It's not just about the price changes!
It's not just price changes!
Posted Wednesday 28th October 2009 22:31 GMT
Although this story has the facts covered here pretty accurately described, it is not the whole story.
many of us who have this issue with them, after being shut out for expressing our dissatisfaction of ticket responses it isn't that they have changed their pricing structure for everyone.
It is for me and many others, the fact that prior to the new release announcement, that thier management indicated to us, "not to wait to purchase because it would be more advantageous to us to purchase now" at the time.
That same staff member is who also is responding to the tickets.
but the real issue for me is, they told us not to wait, we spent $240 for forums and blog module, two weeks prior to this announcement, to only be told that blog is discontinued and no updates or support will be provided, and that despite what we paid, if we want to get the newer forums, which will not be an extra charge, there is no blog module available for it, to also upgrade to, and the only way get a blog is the buy the integrated one in their new "suite" for which they are asking an additional $130 or we are out of luck.
Traditionally none of these products function very long with out patches and upgrades, so our choices are very limited, we can step up to 4.0 and throw away the blog we just bought, or stay with out current version and "hope" the blog does not fail with changes in the server side languages they rely on to work.
So I am having an issue with the fact that two weeks prior to this announcement of license restructuring, I purchased owned licenses, for two products that are supposed have, according to the license agreement in force at the time of purchase, a forum and blog that are both supposed have support, and be upgraded with out further charge for the period of one year from the purchase date for which I spent $240 only to be told I have to pay another $130 to actually GET what I already paid for, and their defense is, I can still use the existing software for as long as I wish according to the license they claim they are not in violation of this agreement.
I also was one of those who was banned for no other reason but because I was becoming extremely frustrated with every post I wrote for others to know how this is in fact a violation of the license agreement, and that if WE all filed complaints to the appropriate departments in the US, their "pending" business registration would likely be declined, if there were too many complaints, as well as their very deletions of posts and whole threads, all of which I have screen shots and SECURE pdf's of as proof of their existence, is a violation of the United state's first amendment, that has previously been ruled by the supreme court, that on-line identities still have this right, when some organizations were turned down in their requests in court to apply censorship to questionable content that is viewable by children and teens because it was a violation of that poster's 1st amendment rights, so how is deleting our posts and banning us any different? Considering the fact that as a consumer, if I were to be, for the first time looking in to spending this considerable amount of money on such software, would want to know such practices by the company marketing it had been done so I can make an informed decision on that purchase and not have it misrepresented, as is now the case for any prospective consumers looking to buy this product..
Thank you for providing a public venue to alert people to such practices by a company showing no ethics or integrity in their marketing practice, and possibly offering the chance for the consumers in question to now they have a right to organize this in to a class action suit, or in the least to rally together to let companies know, we are not stupid, and are not going to take this by any company any longer because they only are as big as they get because of us, and if we can make them with our purchases, we can break them by standing together and filing those complaints and become a loud enough voice for an attorney general to step in and take this to the next level!
Anyone wishing copies of screen shots or pdf can post their request at ICAnComplain forums, a UK based site for people tol og complaints and reviews with, and no it is not mine nor do i have anything to do with them except for having found it a another venue to educate consumers about how much power they really have when they stand together!
The Smoking Gun!