back to article Apple iPhone closing in on BlackBerry market share

Apple is rapidly narrowing the gap between sales of the iPhone and BlackBerry handsets, a US market watcher has claimed. Research company ChangeWave yesterday posted figures showing the number of US consumers who own smartphones and which brands they favour. The stats, taken mid way through September 2009, put Research in …


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  1. Andy G


    That apple is catching RIM up rather than taking any of their market share

  2. Anonymous Coward
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    US again?

    The US really isn't a representative market at all. It has much higher iPhone and Windows Mobile penetration than most countries. Any chance of international surveys or even... gasp... UK ones?

    It's similar to how Linux share is reputed to be 2% world-wide, but people always quote the US figure of <1%

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Waits for the inevitable "the iPhone isn't a smartphone" comments...

  4. Richard 102

    Just gotta say ...

    ... when folks like my parents and their friends (late 60s/early 70s) get iPhones because they can do so much with it and they get the interface immediately, Apple's done something right.

  5. David Edwards

    IMAP Did it for me

    I dont know if its the same in the states, but I had a BB Strom for 2 weeks and was shocked to find it diddnt do IMAP folders on the "consumer" Blackberry server thingy that Vodaphone bundled whit it. Now I have an iPhone and I can ready my mail, even in folders (Gasp).

    Obviously BB enterprise servers in a different story, and BB encryption is Govt OK but iPhone is (I believe) non existent, so expect corporate iphone take up to be very slow indeed.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Up

    Different target audience

    That's a great graph - although as Andy G says, Apple looks to be catching up with Blackberry rather than taking their mostly business customers. Would be interesting to put Nokia smartphones on the same graph...

  7. Anonymous Coward

    ho ho ho

    why the iphone will fail and fail badly.......obviously!

  8. Dustin 1

    Inbound flame for Richard 102

    Know who else makes easy to use interfaces that the young and old can easily understand? Fisher Price.

  9. Jon Phillips
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    Its Worse for RIM Than That

    But the iPhone with 30% market share is only available (officially) on one network, AT&T. Whereas RIM is on all the networks and still only at 40%.

  10. Daniel B.
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    BB hasn't lost its share

    Palm has lost it to Apple, and then again, this is the US we're talking about. I live in Mexico, and the ones that are getting more sales are the Samsung Messenger phone (oooh! I can CHAT on it!), the Nokia handsets, some of the iPhone lookalikes, or the BlackBerries. The iPhone's PAYG price tag of $700 is a dealbreaker in a country where 90% of mobile users use PAYG.

    Looks like the only country to go with the flashy stuff is the US...

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