back to article Clock stopped for McKinnon extradition

Home Secretary Alan Johnson has confirmed to the House of Commons that he has "stopped the clock" on Gary McKinnon's extradition while new medical evidence is considered. Answering a question from McKinnon's MP David Burrowes, Johnson said: "we have stopped the clock ticking in regard to the representation to the European …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Nobody else is bored of this saga yet?

    My gran works with Autistic children. One of my friends at school was diagnosed with Aspergers. Funnily enough, I'm not aware of any of them hacking networks they had no legitimate reason to be in.

    Do the crime, do the time. It doesn't really matter if it's "fair" or not. I don't even care if he does the time here or in the states, as long as he doesn't get off scott free.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Alan Johnson stamp stamp stamp

    Mr Rubber Stamp is trying to define the problem as medical, when in fact the problem is a treaty that has a political check not a judicial check.

    They must know that the terms of the treaty have not been met, yet they refuse to stand up to the US.

    So Johnson will get one of his cronies to produce a report saying McKinnons medical condition is no reason not to extradite, then Johnson will pretend that his hands are tied.

    But they aren't he simply refuses to do his job, and tell the US that the terms of the treaty have NOT BEEN MET, that the damages claim is inflated to match the minimum required to use the treaty and therefore, HIS JOB, under the terms of that treaty require him to refuse extradition.


    Tony Blair is a US lapdog, This treaty is typical of the one sided treaties he negotiated. He would undermine European protections if placed in a position of power.

  3. Gordon is not a Moron

    To sum up before anyone else starts...

    * It's a one sided treaty that we shouldn't honour.

    * Asperger's isn't really that bad and most people live with it and don't become hackers.

    * It wasn't really hacking, in fact he did the US Military a favour.

    * The persons that didn't secure the network properly should be taken out and shot.

    * Any custodial sentence by the US will be hugely out of proportion for the crime.

    * If the British establishment couldn't find a reason to prosecute, why is he being sent abroad?

    Right that should pretty much cover everything, so no need for anyone else to post then (?)

  4. Iggle Piggle


    I've said it before but what the hell I'll say it again. There are loads of reasons why we should not be sending McKinnon to the US. If he was of completely sound mind and if certain states in the US has not called for the death sentence then perhaps it would be acceptable to extradite him under the terms of the (hopelessly one sided) extradition treaty that was signed with the US.

    However the US do execute people and for me that is reason enough not to have an extradition treaty in place even more so that people have stated they would like to see it apply in this case. I also remember a passionate description of his illness from another sufferer. If this is how Garry has to live his life then what are we doing even considering sending someone who is ill for trial in another country? Let's hope that his appeal is successful and that he can then be treated nearer his family.

    If this thread goes the way of earlier threads on the same subject then there will follow a stream of people saying something along the lines of 'If you cannot do the time then don't do the crime'. Garry is ill, he meant no harm but did not understand that what he was doing would be viewed as wrong. Autism sufferers often have an inability to empathise with others, your inability to empathise with Garry suggests that you might want to get tested.

  5. Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)


    I now support whatever course of action would mean I would never have to moderate this thread ever again.

  6. Anonymous Coward

    @ac 10:45

    they might not have been in a network, but have they ever been in an office or somewhere they shouldn't?

    ive met a lot of people but funnily enough im not aware of any of them killing a someone, dose that mean that it dosen't happen?

    and if i stood on the Mexico usa border me on the usa side and shot someone on the Mexico side, where would i be tried?

  7. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

    AIReverse dDutch Auctions ....... for those into World Ransoms and NINJA Danegeld Play ...

    ....Non-State Acting with NEUKlearer GODevices.

    Methinks the Great Game that Launders and Edutains the Hive Mind and the Collectively Mined has moved on more than just a Tad, don't you .........

    And if you are not in, you cannot Win Win Win with ITs Certainty.

  8. ShaggyDoggy

    Huh ?

    I though we didn't extradite to countries where capital punishment is commonplace.

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    It's the story that just keeps giving

    I'm very happy with this story, the details may be the same, but the context keeps changing.

    Firstly we have Tony Blair, as EU President, and this story reminds us that it was Tony that decided that, even without a court of appeal like the ECHR over the UK-US, he would grant expedited extradition to the US. Thus stripped UK citizens of judicial protection, but currying favour with his boss George W Bush.

    This story lets me remind people, that this LAPDOG TREATY was from the LAPDOG LEADER, Blair. Thus I remind people why, absolutely, we do not want Blair as EU President.

    And we have Alan Johnson, a new Home Secretary, that says one thing but does another, and this lets me predict the bleeding obvious.... namely that Alan Johnson is just delaying things hoping they'll die down, and he can, yet again, say one thing and do another.

    I look forward to the next time this comes up and the next set of contexts.

    Oooh look, Alan Johnson just said he has no problem with police labelling protesters as domestic extremists, .... so many occassions where peaceful protest has been labelled like that, so many opportunities to rub Johnson's nose in his own words. Was Gandhi labelled like that?

  10. FreeTard
    Thumb Up

    Jackie Smith for EU president

    Coz she's brilliant she is. Blair and WackieJ together would be ever better.

    Blair, "Jesus told me that we need to give away all our rights to the USA, coz they believe in God and stuff therefore are not evil"

    WackieJ, "Indeed, I shall completely ignore all scientific evidence, even when it comes from government appointed scientists..."

  11. Lloyd

    @Gordon is not a Moron

    I agree with everything you say except that Gordon is in fact a Moron, even John Shuttleworth knows that.

  12. Subban


    "I now support whatever course of action would mean I would never have to moderate this thread ever again. "

    Was that a quote from Alan Johnson, Sarah ?

  13. Fred 1


    "I now support whatever course of action would mean I would never have to moderate this thread ever again."

    In that case I'd suggest extraordinary rendition, followed by summary execution.

    Well, maybe a little torture first, just for fun. Nothing excessive, only a few years worth.

  14. Jason Bloomberg Silver badge

    @ Sarah Bee

    I know how you feel, but I don't think you really mean it. Okay, it's potentially another re-run of all the pro's and con's of the case and that gets tedious. But far better tedium than sweeping the whole mess under the carpet.

    The issue isn't really McKinnon or his alleged crime, it's far bigger; fundamental issues of Justice, British Sovereignty, and governments who would sell this nation out.

    Full marks for El Reg in giving the case the prominence it deserves and facilitating the debate.

  15. Gordon is not a Moron


    ahh yes, but John Shuttleworth needs to stop and listen to Gordon & Julie more often

  16. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Save the debate, just prosecute the criminals

    McKinnon has admitted to hacking and there is a valid extradition claim for him to the U.S. where he committed his crimes via PC. Hopefully his medical condition will be carefully evaluated and then he'll go to America, face trial, be prosecuted and spend the next 60 years in prison like any other sleazebag criminal. he knew exactly what he was doing and the price if caught. Now it's time to pay for those crimes.

  17. Anonymous Coward
    Black Helicopters

    X Files

    US prisons are plentiful, large and full. Why? Because they are used by aliens for experiments on humans. Especially humans who get too close to the truth!

  18. Charles Manning

    Useless poms

    How is it that out of a country of 60M odd people the best you can choose are Blair and Brown? I would advise you all to drown yourselves except you'd probably cock that up too.

  19. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    It strikes me as a little strange that everybody seems to take it as an article of faith that he was just looking for evidence of extra terrestrials. We only have his word for that.

    It' the same situation that we see in the British media when a brit is caught smuggling drugs abroad. Their claims that they were duped by a stranger into carrying a suitcase full of heroin are always accepted by the British media and we are expected to believe it too. Curiously enough, however, if the same person was caught bringing the those drugs into the UK there would be no media support.

    Likewise I am sure that had McKinnon accessed British military systems there would be little or no popular support. Any excuses that he was looking for aliens would be met with derision.

    We're a strange lot here in the UK.

  20. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

    XSSXXXX Phorm Files

    "US prisons are plentiful, large and full. Why? Because they are used by aliens for experiments on humans. Especially humans who get too close to the truth!" ... By Anonymous Coward Posted Tuesday 27th October 2009 23:04 GMT


    Alternatively, and probably much more accurately, ..... US prisons are plentiful, large and full. Why? Because they are used by humans for alien experiments on humans. Especially humans who have virtually no idea of the real truth!

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