I'll be going back to Orange then, O2 have been rubbish!
Orange UK will start selling the iPhone early next month. And 3 has said it will offer the in-demand handset next year. Orange will begin selling the handset in Britain on 10 November – one day after O2’s two-year exclusive ends, according to a report by The Guardian. Orange announced in late September it would “bring the …
if "3" is launching the iphone then that surely has to put the final nail in the "coolness" of this product.
Every chav and oik will have one.......... still, should mean regular punter stop having thiers nicked.
ironically, you'll probably get shed loads of minutes and data plans
Now where did that Andriod 2.0 go?
So the big question is - are O2 going to unlock their users' phones? Do so & lose some customers, but leave the gate open for return. Do not, and slap your customers in the face, causing those that can possibly afford it to leave for good, followed soon after by those that can't.
I'm waiting with bated breath for this. No unlock and I'm paying my way out & jumping. I won't have any company seedily trying to force me to do business with them.
You surely must be the blessed by the great "3" customer service gods.
maybe it was all the people leaving in droves has meant they have bucked their ideas up?
had a nightmare with them and my N73
and lest not talk about hte 3 3G data dongle and there their tesch suppport - but then thats such an oxymoronic statement . Akin to a finding a "Civil" Civil Servant!? actually thats a little unfair, 3 Support staff are up their to be hated along side bankers, estate agents and IT recruitment agencies!
Yeah their customer service isn't great but neither are the other networks if you have an actual problem (thats one that exists outside of your own head).
If you were on O2 then you'd have a genuine coverage complaint. I used to be able to maintain a reasonable 3G signal on 3 all the way home on the train, an extremely busy commuter route, O2 can barely manage a consistent signal never mind a 3G one and then there's still the issue with the quality of service.
N73?That would be the one with a million software updates and bugs that was released 3 years ago.
3 don't block stuff (i.e. they allow skype, SSH, Telnet over 3G), they have the best 3g coverage in the country, have decent speeds AND their plans are often much cheaper and less restrictive (see above) of comparable contracts from other operators.
Meanwhile, I've phoned o2 tech support once and the one time I did need to speak to them about an outage where I live, they told me to blap my phone instead. o2 3g coverage is appalling. My phone always says I've got 3g coverage but then when I actually begin to use a data connection the icon on the phone immediately changes to GPRS. And I live in LONDON, FFS! Forget it on 02 - it's jerko vision if it plays at all.
And just before you start harping on about call connection rates, about once every two weeks I get somebody telling me that they went straight to voice-mail whilst my handset was switched on and apparently working with 02. I tested this problem by dialing using my work phone and sure enough! Thanks o2 :)
I'm not a great fan of o2 and am very relieved to hear that I will eventually be able to move to 3 (or even Orange for that matter).
If 3 have to wait for next year and with others already offering iphones, the wow factor would have been long gone. Like every chav..Oik etc would flaunt one.
Now whats the next best thing coming out of apple stables ?
Too late to join the party ... and cant be bothered anymore with alternate offerings and touchscreens everywhere.
Paris cos she still has the wow factor.