back to article Carl! Icahn! quits! Yahoo!

Carl Icahn has resigned from Yahoo's board of directors after a stint that saw him fail to flog the company to Microsoft and the web firm's shareprice continue to slide. The troublemaking investor said there was no longer any need for Yahoo! to have an activist director on the board. He said he was focussed on other matters so …


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  1. Jimmy Floyd
    Big Brother

    And for my next trick....

    He didn't get Yahoo! to sell itself to Microsoft, a fact that irritates Yahoo but leaves Steve Ballmer able to sleep at night.

    Icahn is now making a nuisance of himself / improving shareholder value at Time Warner, who you may remember bought a little ISP or two a few years ago...

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    He's right

    I for one still do not understand the potential.

  3. Paul 131
    Thumb Up

    what goes around, comes around...


  4. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

    Narcissistic Delusional Flower Child.

    "The troublemaking investor said there was no longer any need for Yahoo! to have an activist director on the board. He said he was focussed on other matters so did not have the time to devote to the job."

    Hmmm. Will El Reg please give us the heads up whenever an activist director joins the board. It is certainly something which Yahoo! is lacking/in need of.

  5. Daemon ZOGG
    Gates Horns

    Hah! Hah! HAH! HAH! HAH!!

    -- "but he never succeeded in selling the company to Microsoft."

    Thank God! That would have reeeally sucked. Favoritism towards IE browsers. Options and extras that would only work with IE. Crappy, filtered search engine results, even weaker news stories.. Oh wait! That's happening now!

    Icahn! Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out!

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    How much?

    So he went into Yahoo destroyed it's value and exits?

    So how much did he make? I know it looks like he lost money, but Yahoo have done a deal on search with Microsoft, which is what MS wanted, and so it seems likely to me that an asset stripper like Icahn had a side deal for himself and is now exiting after the MS deal.

    Before Icahn, Yahoo was worth $40 to Microsoft, look at the company now, after Icahn's attack. I hope shareholders pursue him and his companies and recover their money from him.


  7. Ben 42

    I understand!

    >>>the deal with Microsoft "will provide great long term benefits, the potential of which many still do not understand".

    So he's been surreptitiously buying stock in Google then?

  8. VinceChew
    Dead Vulture

    Just an old Vulture

    An egoistic and greedy old man with the money to burn.

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