Winkypo: "Fortunately there are still *some* places on the planet where vicious incompetents don't hang onto power by force."
Where? ... and when you reply, check your answer before you reply, because I can assure you political power in every country works the same way, its just our own government PR department chooses which countries matches its own agenda, and then labels these governments as good while other different governments are labeled as bad (like they are the source of all evil) ... then you hear later that our government has been making friendly deals and having friendly get together meetings with some of these so called bad countries.
The two faced behavior is all part of the political game of swaying their own peoples opinions and its easy to influence opinions when governments will happily use lies and misinformation to manipulate its own people. Yes everyone can be influenced because governments don't limit themselves to just speaking the truth. They will happily lie if it gets them what they want.
Plus if you don't believe they are capable of being vicious, then you really don't know the kind of person they are. Also don't say the law will stop them. They choose the laws that the rest of us have to follow and they can also easily bend their own laws when it suits them. ... e.g. police action resulted in the death off ... military action resulted in the death off ... etc... its easy for them to justify, after all they just have to label the victims as the bad guys and bad guys are criminals.
Also if you don't believe they all hang onto power with force, then try marching on Parliament to throw NuLabour out of power, for not calling an election when most of us are calling for an election. Do it on your own and the police will easily stop you. Find 1 million people to back you up and all of you march on Parliament and then the government will call in the military to defend Parliament. Force against the people in power doesn't work because the people in power have way more power than any group who wishes to displace them. It wouldn't even matter if the million were armed with guns because then the military would just up the stakes even more by bring in tanks and aircraft as we have seen in other countries. Politics is all about power and they are very good at knowing how to use their power to manipulate everyone. This principle applies to all countries.
Welcome to the world of politics. Don't take anything they say at face value. They are relentless manipulators and the pursuit of ever more power is central to their thinking.
Which is why this cyber attacking fear story is so two faced, because so many governments are spying on everyone just as much, if not more and its getting ever worse. Knowledge is power and the people in power want power and fear the loss of power so spying provides them with a way to hold onto power and gain ever more power. Spying is a political game that has been played for more than a thousand years. Its just now they have ever better technology to continually increase and automate so much of their spying on us all. All ultimately because of a minority of greedy arrogant control freaks in every country and their incessant need for power over others and to then personal gain from having such power over others.
Big Brother Icon, because its all about the relentless need for power.