"...let you openly view naughty images ... in complete privacy."
The raging hard-on might give it away though!
Paris. Umm......
Brother has developed a pair of high-tech specs that could soon let you openly view naughty images or read top secret documents in complete privacy. Brother_RID_02 Brother's Retinal Imaging Display glasses The firm's specs are based on Retinal Imaging Display (RID) technology which projects light directly onto the wearer’s …
Interesting heads-up display with at last a decent image resolution ... would be great if it could be linked to an iphone with augmented reality software.
The resolution has to be good (tick), it needs to allow normal vision to work (i.e. not just the dark headsets found in the existing lower res devices) and not be vomit inducing!
I'd have one if the price is pitched right, has iphone connectivity ... and assuming the lasers won't blind !!
Fantastic, I've always wanted to ogle pornography in public places, get a raging hard-on and fail dismally to pay attention to anything other than my throbbing member and the image at hand.
Now I can do it with these discreet specs - after all, who is going to notice another inappropriate protuberance when there's a pulsating trouser snake lifting the fabric?
Damn, I'm as bad as The Reg, I fail to see any other use for this technology.
"Retinal Imaging Display (RID) technology which projects light directly onto the wearer’s retina."
I'm no biologist but doesn't vision normally work by light reaching retinas? As far as I can tell the only difference is light isn't leaked to the sides, like a bad viewing angle from cheap LCD.
...unless you count the Beeb whose reality is already augmented ;o)
In the car: "There's that stupid bastard that cut you up two weeks ago! Target lock acquired, rendering Hitler 'tash, missing teeth and Magoo specs. No, of course you don't look more ridiculous with these on your face..."
By the way, was I the only one thinking "Whose bloody brother? Is this a religious thing?" until the capitalisation sunk in and the penny dropped? It's been a while.
But, seriously, I can't possibly see anyone in the general public using these besides total geeks, or perhaps those people I see all the time wearing those clunky-assed Bluetooth earpieces with the little blue lights on them ("hailing frequencies open, Captain...")
Still, I could see where they might come in handy at, say, Mission Control, Houston, where flight controllers might want to have a display of certain important systems data visible without having to keep their heads pointed at a regular computer screen on the console.
Otherwise, imho, definitely in that category of Things You Shouldn't Do Just Because You Can.
Alien icon because I, for one, welcome our goofy-looking clip-on retinal-projector-wearing overlords.
"I'm no biologist but doesn't vision normally work by light reaching retinas? As far as I can tell the only difference is light isn't leaked to the sides, like a bad viewing angle from cheap LCD."
Yes, but the difference is the only way to view an LCD in complete privacy is to either A) Do it completely alone, or B) stick your face a few feet from the screen and throw a blanket/towel/coat over yourself and it! This device, by beaming light directly into the retina, prevents the privacy busting scattering of light in multiple directions like an LCD or CRT or pretty much anything else thats not intended to be viewed by just one person.
Thats how I see it anyway!
The obvious business application is meetings. This would allow meeting delegates to continue with important work (AKA browse the internet, check mail, online chat, ...) when stuck in a meeting. With some practise, it should be possible to feign interest in what the speaker has to say whilst actually concentrating on more interesting stuff. Oh wait - I have to go a some boring meeting..
All lovely stuff. Your own personal HUD.
Add a GPS and conect to the web via smartphone and 'they' can start to stream location based ads straight to your eyes.
But I want the one that just hardwires straight to the brain instead of all that archaic plastic stuff resting on your nose.
Finally, someone's got one of these working. Took them bloody long enough - it's not like it's a new concept.
@ Stevie and Patrick: Yeah, watching a DVD whilst driving would be bad. But we're talking Augmented Reality here, so how's about a HUD incorporating millimetre-wave and IR overlays so you can see perfectly in the dark? Plus automatic dimming of other cars' headlights. Plus a big red outline on the car/tree/pedestrian it looks like you're about to impact with unless you brake NOW. And outlines around speed cameras. And a dotted line showing the junction you need to be turning off at. Who wouldn't buy that?
(Obligatory reference to Neal Stephenson's "Snow Crash" and Charles Stross's "Halting State" - if you ain't read them, get them bought now.)
I would have bought into this years ago.
I will not spend good money for cheap.
I want my HD, map it to my brain though (not being used for much else).
*Right eye went south a bit ago; damn staring into the Sun.
Added, EM; what is it with the low res bullshit?
A product launch, and it is the same as every other product launch out there; give us some hope.
Some of us would really like to be offered hope (resolution; dumbf**ks, resolution.)