Notice the right looks more even
Notice the right has bigger icons with a nice uniform regular layout. This 'honeycomb' crap shows the problem with MS's thinking.
If you lay 100 items out in a regular manner, then I see the ONE rule by which you laid them out. If you lay 100 things out in an *irregular* manner, then I see 100 things. I can navigate faster in the one rule case.
Look at the word 'internet explorer', move it to under the icon 'contacts' notice that the right column overlaps the middle column, depending on how long the text is. Presumably this is why the programmers honeycomb'd the icons, so that the icon in the middle is at the level of the text on the right, so the text could be longer without clashing with each other.
But it also means the screen is messy and uneven, and when I click in the middle column, sometimes it will be the long text of the left or right columns, poking into the middle column.
This is a programmers fix to the problem, not a designers fix. As a result the layout is uneven, the screen on the right shows a much more even layout with text chosen to better fit it.
I see the same problems with Android, and in both cases I think the design choices are more driven by programmers than designers.