Sorry Mr Orwell...
Sorry but this has to be said to some on here. Narrow minded people stop getting distracted with the *current* technology. Its the intentions behind the technology that is the real danger. It doesn't matter if the 1st, 2nd or even 3rd generation of this spy technology that fails, because they will keep working on it and in time it will get ever more powerful at data mining us all. It'll just cost billions more than it should to achieve such a level of data mining. The wasted time and money however isn't so important. Its the simple fact that they want to so relentlessly and mercilessly spy on us all, that is so shockingly sick. it would have been unthinkable to allow anyone to behave like this even just a few years ago.
The more I see of their plans to spy on us all, the more the Internet looks like its being subverted into a giant Big Brother database containing all the thoughts and views of everyone. So add in the news about the growing government web scraping and data mining of the Internet and we have an utter nightmare being constructed. For example, this news from yesterday...
The arrogant control freaks in power are determined to build profiles on the thoughts of everyone (including every web site). That is literally George Orwell's Big Brother. Its also perfect for governments to target political opponents and political groups of people to then use propaganda against their words and to make their lives more difficult, etc. etc.. all so they are less able to spend their time (and less effective) being politically active against the people in power. Which is the game the control freaks are playing against us all. (We already have companies and governments paying people to troll web sites and insert their propaganda. Now the data mining is starting to allow them to target their opponents ever more effectively). Plus the war on a few extremist terrorists is being subverted into an excuse to build an automated way of maintaining and ever increasing political power to magnify and extend their rule over us to horrific levels of control.
The political exploitation of technology is taking us into an utter nightmare. Every generation of people needs to defend its right to a democracy, because without constant defense and so constant pressure, the people in power become free to subvert and undermine democracy into their own private Dictatorship, which is exactly what is happening now. So Democracy needs to be defended from the people in power, not by the people in power, because its the people in power who seek to undermine democracy for their own personal gain. These closed minded manipulative arragant Narcissistic control freak people in power over us are either going to crush us all in an absolute ruthlessly powerful Police State or they are going to trigger a full scale revolution against them. Either way, the people in power will remain ignorant of why there's such growing unrest and hatred against them. They are totally self centered. They don't want to hear the opinions of anyone else, they just want to ruthlessly maintain their power over us all, so they personally gain from such power.
The fact they are now so openly planning to spy on us all is so utterly sick and shocking but still the Sheeple fail to stand up and say no more. But then thats all part of the political game the control freaks are playing against us all, which is to keep distracting the mass media (and most people) away from seeing the protests against the growing Police State and all the time the control freaks are seeking to identify and divide any group that seek to stand against them. It means Democracy is utterly dead. An election is simply a farce to placate the masses into thinking they have a vote. The control freaks are in every party so throw out some and more will just continue the push towards exploiting ever more spying technology.
By the time the Sheeple finally see what's happening, its going to be to late. By then the Police State will be so powerful no one will be able to speak out. Worse still, the way its going, it looks like no where in the world will be safe from the arragant greedy Narcissistic control freaks in power.
Narcissistic self interest is effectively a closed minded feedback loop. They don't want to listen to others so they don't learn from others so they keep thinking themselves as right. They are locked in their own world with utter angry contempt for others. Worse still, allow Narcissistic self interest to go to its logical conclusion, of absolute self interest and thereby contempt for others, then its usually publically known by another name, which is a Sociopath, which horrifically illustrates the full danger we are all in. Sociopaths in politics and big business working together to utterly exploit us all. (After all, its not as if they are robbing billions of tax payers money to give to their rich friends in banks, who are then stealing millions of this money for themselves, while millions of people struggle to get by with what little money they have, and are effectively being robbed by this rich elite crooks).
Throughout history we have had these exact same kind of tyrannical greedy people lying and manipulating their way into gaining great power over others, always for their own personal gain and in the process, causing incredible suffering for the vast majority of people, until many victims of the growing oppression even up dying after years of control over them or worst still end up dying in the eventual fight to pushed the control freaks back into some level of fairness. Yet now these exact same control freak kind of people are using technology to horrifically increase their power to a vast scale beyond anything even imaginable even just a few years ago.
RIP Democracy: Democracy was all but gone for a few years, but sadly it died in 2009, RIP
Sorry Mr Orwell, too few decided to listen to you before it was too late. :(
Time for the global Police State. Relentless unending power and greed here we come...