@ Lars
We must stop meeting like this!
My sole concern here is that of the survival of Sun. Yes, Oracle don't have the greatest record of "maintaining" products that they buy when they compete - or nearly compete with their own products. But I do think that interventions by Monty and Richard Stallmann are disingenuous at best - I don't think they are representing anyone's interests but their own in this matter!
But, in the global scheme of things, there is actually quite a lot of competition in the database arena - in open and closed source applications. Probably more than in any other area of software? I just wonder if Sun hadn't paid so much for MySQL, whether there would be quite this much furore. Would there have been similar "issues" if IBM had bought Sun and thus acquired MySQL to add to it's little stockpile of databases (db2, informix, unidata, etc.).
Finally , MySQL is open source. Monty has already forked it, and there's nothing to stop Oracle just canning all the MySQL development team and leaving it where it is now. Where would that leave MySQL users? Pretty much where they were before Sun bought MySQL AB out. But I can't see Oracle doing that anytime soon. They are going to need the revenue that Sun selling support contracts for MySQL brings in, and support contracts won't get renewed without innovation.
All in all Oracle buying Sun is the best option of the ones available. An independent Sun is a non-starter from here on in, so we might as well get on with it. My two-penny-worth.