"Earlier this year Smith was drawn into the MPs' expenses scandal when it was revealed she had claimed for four beds for her taxpayer-funded one-bedroom Westminster flat"
And promptly and decisively got sac.... promoted?
Junior minister Angela Smith has been handed the government IT brief, with responsibility for security across Whitehall. She will take over some of the Cabinet Office responsibilities of "digital engagement" minister Tom Watson, who quit the front bench earlier this year. As well as looking after the information security and …
Is this the influence of Harriet Harman at work?
My immediate thoughts are yes, Angela has been given the role so they can say "Look! more women at the top".
Besides, it's only something to do with IT, no one will care anything about that.
I'll put money on her having no knowledge or experience in the area what so ever.
What the hell does "transformational government" mean? Bloody government bingo-speak as usual rather than any plain speaking. You tend to find that groups use acronyms and jargon to speed up communication between themselves. This is OK. But to use the same words when communicating with others is seen as being high handed and excluding any participation. Not something a government should be doing. You get the feeling that such clap trap (plain speaking!) is usually used to hide behind.
And anyway, have they listed Angela's credentials to be an IT minister. Just like the rest of the MPs who become ministers (all parties) don't have any managerial experience or training and have to handle departments of tens, hundreds, even thousands of civil servants.
According to the Telegraph
she spent £100 on a camera, then decided it wasn't good enough for her needs so spent £500 on another one. All with the slightly dubious aim of taking newspaper quality photos of herself visiting local events (don't the local press usually send their own photographer?)
Sounds like a government IT project in miniture.
This is her "They work for you" entry:
and this is what is on wikipedia:
She has almost zero knowledge of IT or security, but:
# Voted moderately against a transparent Parliament.
# Voted very strongly for introducing ID cards.
# Voted very strongly for Labour's anti-terrorism laws.
# Voted very strongly against an investigation into the Iraq war.
A truly inspirational choice!
"Earlier this year Smith was drawn into the MPs' expenses scandal when it was revealed she had claimed for four beds for her taxpayer-funded one-bedroom Westminster flat." ........ Well, a comfortable night with a knight is more than important, it is invigorating.
The more I see of this "transformational government" strategy the more I'm convinced this is one of the central driving forces behind their rush into a Police State because they are relentless in their orgy of exploitation of all new information technology, to give them ever more powers to control us all.
"She's got a BA in Public Admin from Leicester Polytechnic.
A third rate qualification from a third rate polytechnic in a non-related subject but I'm sure she'll make up for it in other areas.
Mr A Non MSc, BEngs(hons), MBCS, MIET, MIEE"
are you sure about the qualifications you have?
interesting that you list MIEE, since there is no IEE any more, it's IET. one would have thought that after an institution ceased to be and amalgamated and re-branded with another institution that you should stop claiming membership to it.