JesusPhone Saves!
That's all.
An woman in America has survived a potentially deadly bear attack thanks to a knife a handgun first-class hunting skills her iPhone. The bear facts are these. Earlier this summer, Kris Rowley, Chief Information Security Officer for the State of Vermont, was hiking through one of the region’s woodlands when a bear began …
Seem to recall from visits to Yosemite and similar places in the past the park authorities give guidance on what to do if approached by bears/mountain lions etc ... of course, the primary advice is to keep your distance but if they are approaching then the advice is not to run away but instead "act agressively" and throwing things at them is recommended (though, when I was last there 10 years ago the idea of throwing iPhones was not considered and instead stones were suggested)
Interviewing the bear, it said while it initially enjoyed using the iPhone the time it took to download and install apps got it so frustrated that it mangled the phone while prodding it to make it work quicker..
It later said that apple was bearphobic for not producing a touchscreen suitable for bears' talons
Bear : what's this, it's so shiney.
Woman : phew I'm saved
Bear : my fingers are too fat for this online keyboard, I can't get a decent signal out here and wait.. my wifes status is set to what on facebook?
Rip, tear stomp
Woman : wow this will make a good news story
Apple : careface, buy another one iTard
Woman : ok
I don't live anywhere near bears but I think if I did a quick patdown would reveal mace and dead squirrels (bears use them for toilet paper) before it revealed a mobile phone.
"I don't live anywhere near bears but I think if I did a quick patdown would reveal mace and dead squirrels (bears use them for toilet paper) before it revealed a mobile phone."
What, you mean they don't use Charmin??? Damn corporations have been lying to us again!!
Not sure what would be worse either, a bear eating you or a bear spraying you with mace, THEN eating you. I suppose they keep it for self-defense in case some random weirdo tries to pat them down. ;-)
"Maybe she was expecting the phone to explode? In that case the iphone would be like lobbing a hand grenade."
The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch^WCupertino?
I live in an area where encountering bears is not unheard of. During certain times of the year, and in certain areas, hikers are advised to carry/wear jingle bells (yeah, the holiday kind), as the noise will keep bears away most of the time - not being a "natural" sound and all that.
They say you can tell brown/grizzly bear scat from black bear scat because the brown/grizzly bear's poo has little jingle bells in it. I guess it's got iPhones in it now, too.
But, surely any Vermont state official, who hikes in bear country, should have known that.
I have to agree with the earlier poster. Why was she expecting that her warranty would cover throwing the phone at a bear, when it doesn't even cover dropping it. I have dropped far more items, and far more frequently, than I have thrown at bears. If going in for a warranty replacement seemed a reasonable expectation, she should no longer be working for any government office.
My company is about to start selling the iPhone, and we were discussing demo units. My boss remarked 'What do we need demo units for, you could take an iPhone to a tribe somewhere that had never seen a white man before, and they would know what it was and how to use it' :-) :-)