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We at El Reg's Playmobil unit fear the worst following a Guildford school's miniature re-enactment of London's hottest historic moment. Pewley Down Year 2 infants were earlier this week treated to a "live demonstration of how quickly the blaze would have spread during the Great Fire of London in 1666". Teacher Rosie Welch …
There i went, hoping to catch a glimpse of Playmobil people melting and burning to death. But no, nothing, just cardboard. But I quite liked to banner ad for Lego on the same page.
So, if El Reg's Playmobil Department is worth anything they'll recreate the whole scene much to our (I assume not to be the only one) better amusement - on time for tomorrow's Friday.
I agree with Evil Auditor. The article is a failure because it fails to include a re-enactment of the disaster. Where's the playmobil? Where's the IT angle?
While I'm at it - we should be able to choose more than one icon. One icon doesn't adequately describe my emotions!!!!?!?!?!
If the children (and their teacher) are as historically knowledgable as they suggest, they will know that the death toll from the fire was very small.
(although rumours spread faster than the fire, that foreigners were deliberately starting fires; leading to street violence and lynchings of anyone a bit forrin looking, particularly the Dutch immigrants. Did the children go on to re-enact any of this?)
Still hoping we can have a playmobil character icon instead of one of the lesser-used icons (Bill Gates angel?)
ERPS must show us the true story as it unfolds, they may be able to use smaller toy figures from Denmark to act as the Playmobil figures in the recreation. Oh... and I'm sure ordering a few replacement screws for your laptops/desktops from some reputable vendors may result in (in)appropriate sized boxes for the houses.