"Not so much as a peep from the average MP"
Indeed not. And if you look at MP Paul Farrelly's voting record on the issues that count [1], he's mostly just ordinary Blue Labour lobby fodder, with an occasional rebellious tendency.
He is however a member of the Departure for Culture Media and Sport's committee which has been looking into Press Standards, Privacy and Libel.
The published but as yet unverified record [2] from their meeting of 2nd June shows that he was already fishing around this particular issue.
Before he was an MP, Mr Farrelly was a journalist, and for the four years before he got his seat, he was City Editor at the Guardian's sister paper, The Observer.
A certain amount of grudging respect seems to be due for Mr Farrelly.
And indeed to El Reg. At the time I write this, I am pre-moderated on The Guardian, and they are still unwilling to let me (or anyone else?) point out that
a) the Chairman of Barclays holds a senior BBC management position
b) the BBC completely ignored the Barclays tax-dodging affair earlier this year
Obviously that's just a coincidence, but an organisation like the BBC needs to avoid even the *appearance* of conflict of interest.
[1] http://www.theyworkforyou.com/mp/paul_farrelly/newcastle-under-lyme
[2] http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200809/cmselect/cmcumeds/uc275-xi/uc27502.htm