Rory Bremner master criminal
"* Over 59,000 victims of impersonation have been recorded in the first 9 months of 2009 - an alarming 36% increase from the same period in 2008"
Impersonation? Impersonating someone is not a crime, Rory Bremner is not a criminal. The real number from the report (not the misleading summary) is 16364, mostly people ordering stuff with your credit card number. Good old fashioned credit card fraud.
The check on the credit card address is a joke, it is often no more than a checksum of the digits in the address. The fix is to make the credit card companies legally liable for any losses, so they can no longer dump their losses on the vendors. Credit cards are being phased out in Europe as European bank switch to bank to bank transfers for online bills.
Also why do UK banks not issue the token? What's the problem there? A single phishing site is all that's needed to grab the login. With a token, the login is useless without the physical token. I don't understand what the problem with UK banks is, that so few issue the tokens when they're so common everywhere else?
Also why does the DVLA hand over home address details? Why? Who in their right mind, decided that the private details could be handed over to anything other than law enforcement? It's insane! yet nobody seems willing to fix the problem! Now they're adding Contact Point too, handing data on parents and kids around freely. Are they nuts?