Mindover Matter
If you can control something with your mind then your own body would be a good starting point.
I have personal experience of enlarging a womans breasts. Not mine, a girl friends Obviously working out in the gym would help, so does eating the right foods. Also very important is stimulating them both with the mind and physically. You can increase blood flow to part of the body by giving it some attention.
It's hard to accomplish something if you don't believe it's possible. Or put it the otherway round, people who accomplish increadible feats held the believe and determination that they could. Obviously they proved after the event that the thing was possible.
So to enlarge breasts you need three things;
1. That it's actually possible
2. That you believe it's possible
3. You take the actions that will make it happen.
If number 1 is a given then hypnosis provides numbers 2 and 3.
I am sure there are some Hypnotist exams the chap should take, but then how many of us computer nerds here have actually bothered to get acredited? Would we be happy to be forced to have a Microsoft test before we are allowed to work?
Paris because she looks very receptive to suggestion.