Knicker Elastic
Seems like the problem is really the elastic that Amazon use in their products. knicker elastic is outdated and doesn't have the stretch & resilience of pure latex products..
After a DDoS brought down Bitbucket's web-based code-hosting service for more than 19 hours over the weekend, Jesper Nøhr speculated the attack had exposed a flaw in the sky-high Amazon infrastructure that hosts the site. Nøhr - who runs Bitbucket - has since spoken to an "Amazon executive" about the attack, and according to his …
I'm not sure you actually hit the real source of the problem. It seems to me that there is a different true problem, which is that the EC2 security group rules (firewall) are implemented on the host, not on an external device. I assume Bitbucket's rules denied all those UDP packets, but they still hit the host and thus caused network contention. The EBS issue is secondary in that it's traffic should have had priority over the UDP packets. But the real problem was that nobody could see the UDP traffic and respond appropriately.
I'm not sure you actually hit the real source of the problem. It seems to me that there is a different true problem, which is that the EC2 security group rules (firewall) are implemented on the host, not on an external device. I assume Bitbucket's rules denied all those UDP packets, but they still hit the host and thus caused network contention. The EBS issue is secondary in that it's traffic should have had priority over the UDP packets. But the real problem was that nobody could see the UDP traffic and respond appropriately.