back to article Big Blue storage cloud is bad news for rivals

IBM is going to become a cloud storage provider with an XIV-based Smart Business Storage Cloud and a private cloud Information Archive, unifying disk and tape. Big Blue says it "absolutely plans to have a significant place in the cloud storage space," and this is its marker, emblazoned with XIV and BladeCenter. It …


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  1. Charlie Clark Silver badge
    Thumb Up

    It's a matter of trust

    For many companies IBM is definitely more "trustworthy" in both the sense of technically adept and whether they'll be reading the files as well than the likes of Spygle, Microsoft and Amazon. And the idea of outsourced but inhouse scalable data-centres is bound to be appealing to companies with an ounce of sense or under heavy regulatory pressure. But can we go back to calling this utility computing? Rain falls from clouds.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    who cares

    I don't need to store porn.And if I want sensitive information, I'll just collect it from the back of a taxi where you c++++leave it.

  3. jake Silver badge


    Let me know when google is using bigblue's services.

    Or vice versa, of course.

    During the meanwhile, I'll continue to roll out corporate data centers that the corporations in question actually have full control over. It ain't exactly rocket science, and brings your share holders a nice feeling of security.

  4. Matt Bryant Silver badge


    So, that's the old datawarehousing going through the wash-rinse-repeat cycle then? And, sorry to interupt the IBM marketting schpiel, but offering tape on remote archive (because, on practical terms, that's all this laregly what this is) is neither new nor unique. But then, to be honest, this whole "cloud" malarky is nothing really new, just the same "adaptive infrastructure" products from the same vendors, all wrapped up in a shiny layer of hype. Well, at least the layer of hype is new.

    At best, I'm guessing the "new" bit is some mechanism via SVC that hives off the data to the remote site - hardly ground-breaking. And it comes with the nine scariest words in computing - "I'm from Global Services, and I'm here to help." I don't think so!

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    The DDoS attacks have taught them what exactly about cloud services?

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