Anon @0:22 response
@By lukewarmdog
"Yeah let's stop you right there shall we. Let's look at safe sex and then point out that women with multiple partners are happier, healthier mentally and physically and a lot more aware of what they want in a relationship and what they can contribute.
Alternatively we can look at the slavery and misery hat Islam imposes. But I guess we'll just stop at where I said earlier"
You make an assumption that multiple partners make women happy and healthier. Mentally _and_ physically eh? Most women I've ever met seemed to prefer being in a solo relationship with someone they trusted and respected - this makes for happiness. and no, the medicos are saying that physical health is worsened by multiple partners.
As to your ludicrous statement re the misery etc that Islam imposes - that is just an uneducated opinion. Go ask some Muslim women for an opinion. There is likely to be a Muslim Women's group somewhere near you.
@Ben Rosenthal
"because only men get any pleasure from sex in your culture? Sucks to be you guys, maybe you should try some self help books to improve your technique"
Nope. Islam is clear that a woman has rights over her husband to some hanky panky when _she_ wants it. If he fails to give her some or she's unhappy with performance then she can initiate a divorce. BTW, if those books and safe sex classes were so effective, how come STIs are on the rise in UK, here in Oz etc?
@John Savard
"Such products are understandably attractive in societies where women are in danger.
I think we should just impose our values on Egypt with an iron fist, until such time as the mentality that leads to terrorism is completely wiped out there."
Danger? What are the rape stats in UK by the way? Teenage pregnancy? So you don't like the idea of Egyptians imposing something on themselves but you do like the idea of imposing your "iron fist" mentality on them. Cute. Your double standards are enlightening.
NB: In Islamic marriage, the marriage is a lawful contract in which both parties can and do impose conditions. For instance the woman can require a certain monthly stipend. Any condition as long as it doesn't break the law. A man may require his wife to be a virgin. If she's not she's in breach of contract. This is in addition to the Mahr or dowry the bloke is required to pay to the woman (an amount they agree on). Islamic marriage does not have a 'sacred" component, so divorce, while disliked, is a break in contract but must be done so as not to unfairly treat either party. In the west, the churchy 'sacredness' of marriage with all the freaky sex-guilt stuff was, I think, one of the main reasons why people started leaving marriage and shacking up together. Frankly, I think Islamic marriage is healthier but go ask at a Muslim ladies association for their opinion.
Grenade - for da bomb!