back to article Horny new 'ballerina' Tyrannosaur was light on its feet

Archaeologists say they have discovered a new kind of tyrannosaurus, very different to the big bruiser tyrannosaurs already well known. The new dino was slim, light on its feet, horny and partial to meat, according to the boffins. A altai, the new horny lightweight tyrannosaur. Credit: Jason Brougham Scientist's impression …


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  1. Gianni Straniero



  2. Anonymous Coward


    That's a lot less than half the size of a normal T.Rex.

  3. MinionZero
    Thumb Up

    Puny 800 pounds Tyrannosaurus

    I don't think I'ld call it puny to its face, especially if I was standing (running) in front of it.

    By the way, 800lb is about 363kg which is therefore about 0.363 metric tons whereas a Tyrannosaurus rex is in the range of upto 5-6 tons!

    That makes Tyrannosaurus Rex about 16 times more scary than Mr Puny (although I suspect scary should be a logarithmic scale ;)

  4. Allan George Dyer


    No, scary is some kind of parabola... there is a limit to how scared you can be (mouth dry - check, cold sweat - check, trembling - check, distressing bowel movements - check) and a large enough tyrannosaur isn't scary at all, because you're too tiny to bother eating.

    I for one welcome our new horny ballerina masters.

  5. Anonymous Coward

    is this the one

    Is this the skeleton they are returning that was snuck out of the area and whisked overseas by unscrupulous collectors? Just wondering...seems that story made the rounds a few weeks ago.

  6. Joe User

    'ballerina' Tyrannosaur

    Why am I imagining a dinosaur in a tu-tu? Oh, wait, that's just Barney....

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