back to article Irate iPhone owner allegedly shows gun to Apple Store worker

Register Hardware’s iPhone-owning hacks get annoyed when their devices go down. But one man in North American is claimed to have became so frustrated with his faulty Apple smartphone that he threatened to shoot it. After walking into a local Apple store, Donald Goodrich - aged 38, from Westwood, Cincinnati – allegedly said to …


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  1. Anonymous Coward


    "The iPhone has been placed in a smartphone protection programme"

    haha, good one

  2. gautam
    Paris Hilton

    iRage !

    About time too. Fanbois getting their comeuppance??

    PAris, cos she too must be fed up with Cupertino control freakery.

  3. Tony Armstrong


    . . . . "Smartphone Protection Program" . . . . Pure genius.

  4. Thomas 18


    "No person shall knowingly cause another to believe that the offender will cause serious physical harm to the person or property of the other person, the other person’s unborn, or a member of the other person’s immediate family."

    Guilty on two counts, firstly the iPhone is Steve Job's Twisted Child and secondly it will always be property of apple despite your having paid for it.

  5. Freddie


    "Goodrich was charged with ... causing fear of harm"

    You didn't warn us that this article contained reference to scenes of mild peril! It just a good job no one in the US is paranoid else everyone they meet would be arrested.

  6. Sarah Davis


    the man should be congratulated for showing restrain while dealing with unprovoked stress. The 'iPone' should be put down. The crApple Store worker should probably also be put down, AFTER he replaces this poor mans iPhone (FREE of charge).

    Never forget this mApple advert -

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    concealed... ?

    "..he opened his shirt and showed the store assistant" .... that does not sound concealed to me.

  8. Richard 102

    You see ...

    ... if they designed an iPhone capable of shooting 9mm ammo, the guy wouldn't dare get feisty in public. Obama, do something!

    Oh, wait, no, he'll just ban guns.

    (Mine's the one with the pocket claymore ...)

  9. Doug Southworth
    Big Brother


    Well, even if he did have a CCW permit, he won't now. Brandishing a weapon unless it is being used for self defense when there are no other options is a Class D Felony. Bye-bye permit, which is as it should be. You don't have to tell a police officer that you are carrying in most states however, at least you don't where I live.

    *sigh* The anti-gun trolls will be all over this one...

  10. Daniel 31

    "The iPhone has been placed in a smartphone protection programme."

    Its now disguised as a pre and is living a better life....

    Sorry just had to say it... no harm meant, i have an iphone too.

  11. ThomasF
    Big Brother

    Adopt an Brutalised Orphan SmartPhone

    Will it catch on? Will Madonna or Elton take the plunge and adopt a SmartPhone to protect them from RedNeck philastines. Go on Madge, make my day!

  12. Anonymous Coward

    dumb americans

    With that mindset I don't think he should be allowed to own a gun never mind carry one around concealed!

  13. James O'Brien

    Need to shoot a gun?

    There an app for that!

  14. Thorfkin


    There appears to be multiple faults with what happened here. If you have a CCW you are only required to inform the police you are carrying if they so inquire. If they do ask and you fail to tell them of it then that is a violation. Still, it is a good idea to inform them up front. Helps to avoid problems. Brandishing a weapon is considered a felony however there will likely be some question in the court over whether or not threatening your own property with a firearm by flashing the weapon in public actually constitutes brandishing. If he didn't lay hand on the weapon and did not threaten the safety of the store clerk in any way then there is a chance he might get away with a slap on the wrist. He's gonna need a good lawyer though.

  15. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Up

    @Doug Southworth

    >>>Bye-bye permit, which is as it should be

    Yup - one can't just flash steel whenever one feels like it; I'd be perfectly happy for him to lose his CHL or CCW or whatever they call it in that state.

  16. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    He only threatened the phone

    Doesn't sound like he threatened to shoot the store clerk, just the phone. What's the problem?

  17. JRallo

    Fear and harm... to an Apple employee..??

    "Goodrich is charged with aggravated menacing, causing fear of harm to an Apple employee. "

    (The linked article had that..)

    Wow, show you what kinds of laws are being passed, next with MS stores opening up, we'll have "Person is charged with aggravated menacing, causing fear of harm to an Microsoft employee."

    Tho, I may be guilty at one point or another for that.

  18. Anonymous Coward
    Jobs Horns

    The iPhone had is coming.

    He would have done is a favour had he pop it, and all the other iPhone in the store. Saving the world from such a piece of crap.

  19. sungod

    Guns, bugs and iPhones

    So to recap:

    Taking a 9mm into an Apple store is illegal and dangerous. Taking a loaded fully automatic weapon to a Presidential town hall meeting is perfectly fine.

    Somebody tell me how has America not gone completely insane?

  20. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    @sungod - Wrong.

    The gun at the town hall was unloaded and was also not fully automatic. It was a semi automatic AR-15. You can own automatics in the US, but you have to go through a lot of checks to do so, including getting the chief law enforcement officer in your area to sign a statement saying he is ok with you buying one. Class 3 isn't easy to get, but it is possible, but very few are willing to go to the lengths necessary.

    Also the guy with the AR did not brandish it with intent to use it. He was openly carrying which is legal in Arizona. Open carry is also legal in Ohio last I heard (I'm from Ohio in case you were wondering and in fact have shopped at said Apple store). Only concealed carry requires a permit unless things changed and I am not informed.

    This guy still violated the CC rules though. Gun isn't supposed to come out of concealment unless there is a damn good reason. He'll lose his right to CC probably for life in this state, because this will be on his record and they will know why.

  21. GumboKing

    If Elvis were alive...

    he would've shot hundreds of iPhones by now. "This app ain't no damn good!" Blam!

    The coat with the peanut butter and banana sandwich in the pocket, oh mamma.

  22. JohnG

    Attempted iphonicide or wireless endangerment

    The reports didn't say that he actually whipped it out, just that he unbuttoned his shirt to show his weapon to the female shop assistant.

  23. Anonymous Coward

    Is this how one gets Beetles songs into iTunes?

    "Happiness is a warm gun..."

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