Really? Why?
I don't think "federation" means what the cheese-heads think it means ...
The Wisconsin Tourism Federation will henceforth be known as the Tourism Federation of Wisconsin - a wise piece of rebranding prompted by its exposure to public ridicule on the interwebs. The Wisconsin Tourism Federation logo and its new incarnation The "lobbying coalition of trade and promotional associations" has now purged …
Many years ago, there was a large illuminated sign advertising Lucozade on the side of a building next to the Chiswick flyover on the M4. It had the product name and the accompanying strap line that manufacturer Beechams had used for decades. Not long after the discovery of HIV it was taken down although the dirty marks in the shape of the lettering hung around for a good while after and it was eventually replaced with a modified strap line. The original sign said:
Lucozade Aids Recovery.
I think it was, Guy Kewney wrote about a press conference the British Microcomputer Federation (BMF) had called to announce that they were changing their name to the "British Microcomputer Federation, UK". When Guy himself stood up and pointed out the way the new acronym was likely to be pronounced, the conference was hurriedly ended and the name change never came to pass.
When I was in college, the department I worked for hosted the Agricultural Info-Data Service. When the director brought it up to the board that perhaps a name change would be in order, given the public's growing awareness of the then-new disease, he was roundly ignored. It actually took several years of continued abuse and ridicule before the board wised up.
"Check your dictionary sir"
I did done do that ... and discovered something new.
In my mind "federation" is a purely political word, and has nothing to do with RealLife(tm) commerce (which rarely pays much attention to politics ... bottom-line has no political boundaries).
Mea culpa, and thank you :-)