And one more thing.
Even worse than the switchover, my Acer 8930 4GB Twin 2.4 G p860 runs sql and vs 2008 (Vista) slower than my samsung netbook, (XP)
I hate Vista. Since Windows 7 will have most of the same crap on it, I'm going to hate that too. I've already decided to advise people to stay on XP, just out of spite.
Where is the button that removes all this DRM, Themes, and Ipod resembling shit from Windows 7? There are 88 processes running? Why?
Why is it using CPU when I'm not doing anything at all?
Why does it wait until you return to the computer, for the screen saver to then lock the computer? It had 20 minutes to do it before I wanted it, but waits until you actually want to use it before it goes into its 30 second "I'm going to lock the computer now, because you've returned." state. Why?
Are all the people who worked on Vista still there?
Have they been sacked? Why not?