Its my ball and I'll do what I want with it.
The Day Apple open up thier OS run on other machines is the day Quality goes out the window. From a laymans point of view, because they control The hardware and the software, they can guarrentee quality.
The app store & iPhone OS Probably has the same strategy*: Quality control of the user experience is near on impossible on an open system, and the iphone, no matter how good, is on its limit performance wise, and when it starts jittering, crashing, and rebooting (Regardless of what application caused it) customers are going to start getting pissed with thier device, and lose faith in the quality- The argument in my mind is the same for OSX & Third party Vendors.
Apple don't make computers, they make consumer electronics, integrated products, just like every other piece of electronics hardware you have which has a software element, and I'm all for that because it near as dammit gives total control of the user experience under one major stakeholder: The creator of the product
Ive never heard anyone taking legal action against Pansonic because they make it impossible to put thier Microwave firmware on other manufactuers microwave, or because its not possible to flash a Sony ericsson with a Nokia ROM,
why is this any different? It's thier Property, and if they want to keep it to themselves, then fuck you! They should be able to.
Getting the balance right between Interoperability and SW/HW integration is whats its all about IMO, and I know that from A company's perspective its also about market share: And Why not? Thats what competition is all about : A Hypocritical statement when we talk of monopoly, i know, but why doesn't someone else step up and release an OS aimed at normal users? I suppose we have to wait and see about Google's Chrome efforts.
*As well as the huge revenue stream from app sales, of course.