Reread my posts???
I have posted links to an Linux expert showing that 1 MIPS equals 4 MHz x86 (in the days of Pentium4). Read that link again. Nehalems are much more powerful than a P4, clock for clock. I've also argued that the Mainframe CPUs are not that fast in comparison with a fast Nehalem. Say that a normal Mainframe CPU does 10.000MIPS (costing 100K USD or even more?).
Consider a Pentium 4 at 3.2GHz with 8 cores. It has 8 cores x 3200MHz = 25,600 MHz. Tthat corresponds to 6,400 MIPS, Now, how much more powerful is a Nehalem than Pentium 4, clock to clock? Twice? Thrice? If you look at the benchmarks on TomsHardware of a 3GHz Pentium 4 and pit it against a 3GHz Nehalem, the Pentium 4 maybe gets around 30 points in a typical benchmark, and the Nehalem gets maybe 250points. Almost 10 times more. Let us be generous and say that the Nehalem is only 3 times as fast as a P4, clock to clock. Then 25,600MHz would correspond to 19,200 MIPS. That is more than 10,000MIPS to me. If a Nehalem is 5 times faster than a Pentium 4, then it would correspond to 32,000MIPS, which is faster than any Mainframe CPU. If it is 10 times faster than a P4, then it corresponds to 64,000MIPS. Add Herkules ontop and let us see the cheapest Mainframe costing a million USD? vs a fast Nehalem EX machine with software emulation, costing 5K?
Captain Thyrathron
"Dude, where do you even come up with this stuff?"
Nowhere have I talked about the I/O of a Nehalem. I have only talked about raw power of the CPUs. Havent I? Have I lied to you? Have I not provided links and hard facts? You could email that Linux expert that "debunks the Mainframe myth" in that link Ive posted if you wish to know more on his work. If you claim that he lies, then I would like to know where he lies. If you are correct, that he is a liar, then I will not write such things again.
But then you have to prove that he is wrong. And your IBM propaganda doesnt count. IBM states that the Power6+ CPU has 250 GB/sec band width, but IBM adds all bandwidth in the CPU. That is clearly false, if there is a bottleneck with 10GB/sec then there will be no higher bandwidth than 10GB/sec. IBM people are not technically knowledgeable, or they are twisting their propaganda. Pick your choice.
Why do I always cheer for SUN? Well, they are open source. And they have the best tech. ZFS rules. And DTrace. And Niagara. And Zones. etc etc The list could go and on. I only support the best tech. I am geek. If IBM gets the best tech, I switch.