Damn you Kelly, damn you
A little sick? What kind of sadist are you?
And so to Paris, where we find Microsoft getting in a froth about its upcoming Windows 7 launch next month by becoming a café owner to punt a slice of OS with its watery espresso. The software vendor will be peddling its operating system wares on the chic streets of France’s capital, where it plans to open a Windows Café on 22 …
Can't be quite as bad as those awful Windows 7 launch parties! Have you seen the vids on YouTube, 7 mins of video telling sad lonely losers how to runt he world's saddest party ever!
"Come round my house for a party! Yes, there'll be wine and nibbles. Why? Oh I'm installing a new operating system on my PC! *click* Hello? Hello?"
Ethnic minority guy....check
Old person....check
Annoying sex-and-the-city attention seeking tart...check
Shaky camera....check
Breaking the fourth wall....check (take that Apple, hah!)
I wonder how long before someone posts an edited version where the black guy's head is replaced with a white head (but leaving the hands/arms).
Rule of thumb to the director of the video, if you're going to make a video then please make sure that you don't have a digital (or even an analogue clock) showing in the background behind the actors as it only highlights the cut and paste editing or when they've had out-takes.
OH my F in god!
Have a party, let guests view your pictures... oooooppppps how did that one get in there? Show your friends how to use the basic featues of windows 7, after your done insulting the inteligence of any hardcore star trek fan you had at your party you put on your music from your mass storage device only for runtime errors to occur as patches are still being furiously written and released as fast as my stomach is releasing my vomit. Next you turn to the incredibly hot chick who's not there for windows 7 at all who promptly calls you a geek and leaves along with the majority of your guests. Next day the host is found swinging from the light fittings he/she has used their own keyboard as rope and below them on the floor is microsoft hosts schedule.
So what do you want to do today?
But I must admit that I was really reading the comments in another tab most of the time, so it might not count. Still feel sick. As a *NIX proselyte, I think I'll forward this vid to as many people as I can, with a simple "Do you really want to look -or sound- like that?".
Well done Microsoft!
"Good morning New York" showed this very video this morning, but explained "we had to turn the sound down because it was so bad, it'd send you to sleep". They were VERY dismissive and at the end of the piece, the main host said "that's so lame - they should get the guys who do the "I'm a Mac" adverts".
I had to clean Muesli off my keyboard. I can't imagine how suicidal the MS advertising people must feel right now...
Then in every book review you had to had a part where you analyze how this book shows the class strugle, and why imperialist bastards are bad. Did not matter what kind of book, without such review it could not be published.
Host the party and do not forget to mention all the PR, microsoft marketing guys thought of. Watch the videos before hand and memorize. Sheesh.