back to article Seagate reveals 1TB FreeAgent

Confirming a channel leak, Seagate has announced a 1TB FreeAgent Go, but said the drive will not be used in its notebook product line. Western Digital announced its 1TB Scorpio Blue 2.5-inch drive recently. Up until now the portable FreeAgent Go products have been limited to 500GB capacity, with their 2-platter, 2.5-inch …


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  1. Alex 26

    Total crap

    These things are completely crap. They sit vertically on a small base so if you don't knock them over your kids will. As soon as the thing hits the table top it's dead and you get a "buzz, humm" on startup. Twice this has happened to me and I have the misfortune to have three of these things. Nightmare - never again Seagate

  2. Kotonoha


    Maxtor all the way - I've knocked my external disk about 3 feet to the floor while it was running and it continued to do so happily. :V

  3. exit...quit...bye...quitbye.ctrl-C..ctrlX.ctrl-alt-X...aarrrr*slam*


    ...3 Platters/drive, 25 drives per 2 Rack units... *mumble,scribble* one spare *scribble* 36TBytes raw, deducting raid *scribble* around 15TBytes usable capacity per Unit... times 42.... wooohooo.

    That might not be fast, but for MAID solution... my near-line archiving problems are to be considered "solved".

    I´ll have a pallet of those, please.

  4. Maryland, USA
    Thumb Up

    could be useful in the right external backup drive case

    These might fit the external cases available from Other World Computing's (OWC's) Mercury On the Go portable backup drives; I know that these cases can hold 12.5mm disks; that's how they now are able to be sold with 750GB capcacity:

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