back to article Dell Perot deal sparks insider dealing charges

A Texas man has been charged with insider trading by the US Securities and Exchange Commission for trousering $8.64m of illegal profit, following Dell’s proposed acquisition of services firm Perot Systems. A complaint was filed with the federal court in Dallas yesterday that alleged Reza Saleh, 53, of Richardson, Texas, bought …


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  1. Paul Schofield

    Have I been working too hard????

    Or am I the only one that read that headline as

    Dead Parrot Deal etc etc etc

    Nuff said

    Coat please... the one with Norweigian Blue plumage

  2. BootStrap


    the SEC was asleep the day someone made an absolute pile on puts on certain Airlines back in late 2001. Interesting how sometimes they are totally on point, and sometimes...

    Ach, I must just be one o' them crazy conspiracy nuts.

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