Hell-llooo-ooow! It's a friggin' tablet!
Why would you want a 60 GB hard drive -let alone 120) on one of these? All it needs is enough Flash memory to hold the OS (ooops, Windows, sorry) and a SD slot for the movies, data and stuff. USB as a backup if you want to hook it up to a beefy external drive once a year. This is supposed to be mobile device, i.e. "on the go" use. This 60GB hard drive is resistant to shocks, right? It wont shatter if I drop the damn thing. Or will it?
Better focus on the core features for a tablet, such as, let's see, a friggin' portrait mode, maybe? Or good battery life? Or ruggedness? (no HDD, protected screen). Or the ability to add any communication protocol I darnfeel I need? (Right, not anything can be soldered on the MoBo. Dunno,protected dongle ports maybe?)
Also, just to be an annoying twat, I'll point out that Windows 7 will be the first serious attempt at touchscreen support from MS. What could possibly be wrong... lemme check Microsoft track records for first implementation of anything... oh right, I'm gonna wait for version 3, ta very much.
The only good thing about this thing against other, more tablet-focused products (like the TouchBook) is a known and trusted manufacturer. To this regard, I have a humble request: would it be possible to get a review of the TouchBook (http://www.alwaysinnovating.com/home/index.htm) to know what it's really worth? It sports several very good features in my opinion, such as keeping the price low by limited storage and communication protocols, but with a SD slot and internal USB ports for maximal modularity (think dongles). Portrait mode, too. And a switch between netbook and tablet modes when pluging or unpluging the keyboard (really touchscreen-oriented, no "we just softized the keyboard" nonsense as exposed here). The fact that the external keyboard doubles the battery life instead of sucking power is nice too. Not tho mention that in some cases I'd be very glad to have a clamshell design to protect the screen, instead of having a separated external keyboard with sharp angles randomly pressed against the touchscreen in my backpack. Appart from any technical consideration, the promo videos by "Gregoire, Fonderr of Ahlouayz Innovating" are pure comedy gold IMHO. Although I'm not sure was the initial purpose. ;-) Crazy French.