Stuff like this could never happen with the wealth of new secure databases the government is creating now could it?
A civil servant and his accomplice are both behind bars today after being found guilty of a massive identity and tax credit fraud. John Brian Agdomar, 42, of Hackney, East London, got four and a half years for tax credit fraud, relating to the creation of identities for 1,400 imaginary children and the claiming of £1.2m in tax …
Olanekan Omatayo Ogunmekan, now theres name I was wondering about.
After a very quick look on the net it turns out he is a Nigerian citizen and the courts state he will be deported once his sentence is done.
Yeah I know, how very Politically incorrect of me *sigh!* to point that out. But what with the 419 scams that country is famous for you can't say that anyone is surprised.
...and each of those "virtual" kids had had their own virtual biometric card...
...then they would have existed for real, and both of these guys would have been innocent. Reality would then need to be banged up for not matching the database.
Ah, if they'd only waited a few years they might have gotten away with it...
The story I heard about the IT guy at the MOD who created on the accounting system a whole legion of imaginary soldiers so that he could siphon off their wages into bank accounts he controlled.
After keeping up the pretense by placing orders on the accounting system for all the requisite kit, rations, guns and munitions that the real troops would have required he finally came unstuck when after a time he decided to close the scam down before anyone noticed.
There was unfortunately the problem of what to do with the 60 imaginary soldiers. What was he to do? He considered having them all killed in service or deserting on mass but realizing this would surely draw attention he apparently decided to give himself up and confessed to the racket.