back to article Citroën redesigns the 2CV

Citroën has joined VW in proclaiming the redesign of an iconic model as a leccy concept for tomorrow, which - in this case – is the 2CV. Revolte Citroën's Revolte harks back to 2CV days The hybrid Revolte e-car is powered by “a small-capacity conventional combustion engine combined with an electric motor and a battery re- …


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  1. Brutus


    That design is most definately revolting!

  2. Eponymous Cowherd


    Are they serious?

  3. alan 39

    Well I for one

    quite like it. Its a lot better than that shite you had from peugoet.

    Now does that make me feminine? I dont know, but I do want a MX5. So what does that say :)

  4. mittfh

    Name fail

    Who in their right minds would buy a car called "Revolte"?

    The word's too similar to Revolt (to rebel against authority - 'leccy cars are hardly revolutionary!), which in itself is too similar to Revolting (disgusting).

    Never mind the apparent concept of suicide doors with no central pillar - doesn't exactly inspire feelings of safety...

  5. Psymon

    They're certainly right about the feminine design

    That thing couldn't look more feminine if it was ultra absorbant with an easy applicator.

    Clever marketing though. If you want to sell something that's bound to have so little accelleration it should be banned from motorways and uinrestricted A roads then you are best off appealing to the market sector with the least knowlege of how a car actually works.

    This is definately aimed at the "what car have you got? "A pink one" sector.

  6. Andus McCoatover

    I can hear the guffaws from Clarkson, even from here...

    "Suicide" rear doors? Huh? WTF were they thinking???

    It'll never see the light of day.

  7. Anonymous Coward

    I am


  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    The Citroën Revolting...

    Would you want to own a car called that?

  9. Smallbrainfield

    It looks nothing like the 2CV!

    Granted, it looks like a development of recent Citroen designs, but no way does it look like a 2CV.

  10. Brettus

    Why are manufacturers constantly doing this?

    Our imaginary car is better than your imaginary car...

    So what, just make one already, then you can claim to have the better car.

  11. Ian 25


    Looks absolutely *nothing* like a 2CV. Apart from that, all good.

  12. Sorry that handle is already taken. Silver badge

    No, that would be too easy

    So I will resist the temptation to make a pun of the car's name and appearance.

  13. captain veg Silver badge

    Looks just like a 2CV...

    ... in every way except appearance.


  14. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    It's a concept, real question is are Citroen planning to do what VW, BMW, and FIAT have done with the Beetle, Mini, and 500.

  15. jackharrer

    Another one

    Another of the nicely rendered and photoshopped images. Which will never get on streets as will be deemed too risky, modern and extravagant by execs. Sorry guys, time of revolutions is over, move along...

  16. Lord Raa


    Considering some concept leccy cars, this isn't too bad looking, and it certainly brings forth more positive thoughts than the old Tin Snail.

  17. John Robson Silver badge

    No plans...

    No plans for productions.

    So why say anything.

    Here's a car we though of over toast this morning...

    Just build something, then tell us about it

  18. Bilgepipe


    Not only is your post offensively sexist, but it also indicates that you probably drive like a moron. Well done.

  19. Mark Serlin


    Looks absolutely *nothing* like a 2CV. Apart from that, all bad.

  20. Andrew Culpeck

    It accelorate how fast..

    .. who cares it still spend most of it's time culttering up the side of the road while being charged!

  21. Lionel Baden

    WTF !!!!

    As a 2cv driver i am bloody revolted by that pile of purple Shite !!!!

    The idea behind the 2cv was its simplicity, which is not something you can duplicate in a modern car

    Wtf is that front grill all about it looks more like its off a bloody jag ....

    Well let it be said if i ever see one of these if they ever make it to production i will most likley be giving them the finger as i drive past .. and I will do my best to make sure they are not welcome at 2cv meets !!!!!

    Much better modern redisgn of the 2cv (prolly done by some student)

  22. The Original Ash

    Appeals to women?

    Extend the nose by 8", increase the rake on the rear windscreen, and replace those pink interior "mood-lights" with blue "hardcore lighting" and it instantly appeals to blokes.

    Daft designers...

    Oh, wait, it's a hybrid. FAIL.

  23. jai


    i like it actually

  24. Winkypop Silver badge

    Those crazy French

    Always with the jokes!

  25. Shades


    Ever heard of the Mazda RX8?... With suicide rear doors??... and no B pillar???

  26. D@v3

    whats the point???

    "oh yeah, check this out, nice car innit? What, when can /you/ get one? , nah, never mate, nice tho innit?"

  27. TeeCee Gold badge


    “a lively performer with strong acceleration”.

    So, nothing like a 2CV at all then?

  28. Steve Foster

    Like the 2CV... being chronically under-powered perhaps?

  29. Terry Barnes


    So logically you'd ban lorries, vans, coaches and buses from A-roads and motorways too?

    If it were launched in the UK it might conceivably get a different name - the 'Evasion' was renamed 'Synergie' for the UK market.

  30. Anonymous Coward

    Two commenters definately...

    ...can't spell definitely. The kids today *grumble grumble*.

    Mine's the one with my pipe and slippers in the pocket.

  31. vincent himpe

    they are joking right ?

    call the chiropractor.... with seats like that ...

  32. Aaron 10


    That's how you know how far a car is away from reality -- look at the interior. If it looks like the flight deck of the Enterprise, this car ain't gonna see the light of day for at least 10 years.

  33. vincent himpe

    Advice to riders wanting to avoid back injury

    Stuff a couple of ripe camemberts down your pants before nestling your 'tush' in those seats.

    You also may want to wear a couple of camemberts 'princess leia style' to avoid head injuries from the evil-throne headrest.

    If life gives you Citro(e)ns make Citronade ...

  34. SlabMan

    Hmmm, let me see...

    We're Citroen. We made the DS - one of the best looking cars of all time, which still looks futuristic today. Collectors covet them and they still turn heads wherever they're seen. We also made the 2CV. Which one shall we revive? I know, let's bring back the butt-ugly corrugated-iron pram.

    FAIL coz it should have been a gorgeous 'leccy DS as George Jetson (and aManFromMars too, for all I know) would have driven.

  35. TeeCee Gold badge

    @Aaron 10

    ".....this car ain't gonna see the light of day for at least 10 years."

    By which time it'll seem rather dated in a slightly quaint "product of its time" sort of way. Just like the 2CV. NOW I UNDERSTAND!!!!!11!!!!

    Thank you for clearing that up.

  36. Mike Gravgaard

    Nothing like the original...

    First off I'm a Beetle nut and not into 2CVs...

    but the original 2CV was made for french peasants and was designed to be easily repairable (ie you black monder could make replacement parts)... it was made to be used by farmers and that sort of people - it I also remember correct Porsche helped design the engine but this maybe myth...

    Anyway this car doesn't seem to have any of it's original design trates.


    PS wonder if Citroen will redesign the Amiy 4 and 8. Personally I don't understand why car manufacturers do this with their original designs, the original Beetle was iconic for it's original design (both car and engine) but the new Beetles are based around the Golf and share none of the design other than they look kinda similar - I'm not expecting a new air cooled Beetle but why bother with the same name especially if it's just a poor copy??

  37. Anonymous Coward

    Clearly one for the ladies but...

    ...What is that gadget that sits between the drivers legs for exactly?!?

  38. Richard Porter

    Looks like a 2CV?

    But will it transport a driver wearing a top hat plus a tray of eggs across a ploughed field without breaking any eggs?

  39. Adrian Esdaile

    Please give them an English dictionary

    and tell them to look up 'revolting'.

    They'll see a picture of the new 2CV

    What was wrong with the old one? It had charm, just stick a few batteries in the back!

  40. Graham Bartlett

    Steal from someone else

    Is it just me, or does the whole design look like a Mazda RX-8 squished lengthwise by about a quarter? We have suicide doors. We have a front grille that's identical to the Mazda. We have the bonnet curve. We have swoopy interior and seats. In fact, let's face it, we have the same car.

    Except that where the RX-8 goes like shit, the Revolte simply *is* shit.

  41. Lionel Baden
    Thumb Up


    already been done the 2EV

  42. Nigel 11
    Thumb Down


    I thought that the Citroen C3 was the reincarnated 2CV - and a rather nice design, which isn't obviously retro like the new mini, but definitely brings the 2CV to mind.

    This one just brings its own name to mind. Yuk.

  43. DRendar

    That thing between the legs...

    is obviously a holder for the ladie's mobile phones.

    If these ever come to fruition and you see one of them embedded in the central reservation, with a woman behind the wheel with a smile on her face, you know she just got a call and had an orgasm.

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