Horses for Courses
"Folks who don't know how or why to "set the choke" on a computer aren't qualified to figure out how to fix it when it breaks. They don't know how the complete system works.
amfM: Stop trolling, already ... you're too smart for that ;-)" ..... By jake Posted Sunday 20th September 2009 05:58 GMT
Whenever you know how the complete system works, you spend all of your time/as much of your time as you would care to choose, Big Game Phishing. ........ Hunting for SMARTer Animals ..... with IntelAIgent XSSXPlosive dDevices which are a QuITe Perfect for Invisible Export to any Post Modern Model Army into Progress with ITs Higher Levels Of Confusion.
"@amanfromMars 1: sorry to see you are still a net addict. Aint there any soccer clubs in your location ? Maybe they can help you back into reality ? Or the British Army ? (Maybe they need a Confuser General or something to this effect)" ... By Frank Gerlach Posted Saturday 19th September 2009 08:26 GMT
:-) Which/Whose reality would that be then, Frank. And as for soccer .... is that not virtual opium for zonked out, practically brain dead masses. A childish game turned into a money spinner. Nice "work" if you can get it though but it aint really kosher, is it, with so many day-dreaming of its easy riches for sleazy bitches? On a scale of 1 to 10 of what is important in Life, would it even register. And yes, I would agree that the British Military needs a Confuser General or something to that effect, especially as they will up against and expected to combat Virtual Forces in Fleet of Mind Phormations/ESPecial Theatre Operations.
It may surprise you to discover that they have been Carefully and Transparently led to that Particular and Peculiar Trough of NEUKlearer Water to Drink, and it would inappropriate today for me to say anything more on the matter....... other than SMART and Thirsty Beasts Drink to Survive and Play Revitalised as Leading Peers in Common Herds/Stallions in Deep Cover Duties.......... and that is an Addictive Satisfying Pleasure for anyone into Nets and Networks InterNetworking Special Applications of ProgramMING.
Is all of that above, a troll, .... .... or just a number of different realities uncovered?