What are you doing on Oct 22? Microsoft is putting a Tupperware-style twist on the upcoming Windows 7 rollout, launching a new initiative to encourage thousands of employees, partners and technology enthusiasts to throw parties in their homes and communities to demonstrate and help spread the word about its new OS - Slashdot …
Oh hi Jon,
I'm fine thank you, so you're from the internet? Oh yes that's right. Yes it is a shame kids don't need to use their imaginations anymore. Oh I agree, they couldn't see a joke if it jumped up and grabbed their testicles, shouting "arrrgh! I'm funny"
Yes well it's your own fault, I did attempt to warn you, I've got some cream somewhere. What? No, just leave now. Your coat? Yes it's behind the door with the Linux geek.
To be honest, I think this whole party thing is going to backfire on Microsoft, badly.
I mean, considering...
*) The only people who are going to do this are already aligned to Microsoft.
*) People not aligned to MS are going to have a nice party and hope that some kind soul will knock the laptop with their elbow in such a way that a critical rear corner is the first part to hit the deck.
*) Anyone with a Sony Vaio or one of those Fujitsu Siemens machines will have an issue when it comes to XP Virtualisation Technology time ... or is that part missing from the party manual?
*) Lets face it ... when it comes to having a REALLY good time, the only electronics involved are some batteries and a fast, off-centre weighted motor; and should the day come when we need software licences and updates for that kind of technology, then we really ARE ... um ... screwed.
What's that you say? Wireless versions that talk over the Internet have been around for years? Oh. Well, given that most of them only run on Windows and MSN anyway, that'll probably be what these paries are all about then.
Party hard, people! .... um ... do those tote bag thingies contain any lubricant?
@Ian Ferguson
"'I do hope your guests were a young, affluent, stylish mix of races."
But some had white heads photoshopped onto them
"what's the yellow cat in white wig? ..sorry"
white=snow - do we really need to explain the rest? ;-)
@Richard Jukes
"Mindless drivle. Shame."
ho ho, someone else who didn't "get it" and couldn't spell drivol, erm, dribble, erm, drivel (yes!) either.
Say, why can't I choose more than one icon?
They're not, they're worse! At least snobbish New Yorkers, if they attend self-defence classes, actually learn something - snobbish Londoners wouldn't hear anything because they'd be too busy relaying the most hilarious story about how their waiter served their chardonnay 1.5 degrees too cool and they "just simply had to send it back - it was dreadful, oh and of course he was an immigrant so perhaps it's not his fault he didn't know (do they have wine in latvia isobelle, you holidayed there last year didn't you? Oh of course, I forgot about that - poor trixie, she's never quite been the same has she.)"
I heard there is a real good party at the same time. Loads of pizza and Red Bull available. There will even be decoration and all (a penguin sticker on the basement's door I believe). But then again the transcript might not have been as funny: "Mhhh. MhMh. Hmmmm. HMhhhmmmHHHHm. Ntntnt. Hm" and so on. And as far as music goes, the Imperial March on loop can be a bit tiresome after the first 2 hours. Especially with the basement's reverberation.
@Michelle Knight:
"when it comes to having a REALLY good time, the only electronics involved are some batteries and a fast, off-centre weighted motor"
Nothing like a Wild Tail for some serious pussy fun:
I hope my party goes off just as well it had all the perfect party elements including a youn whippersnapper who is born of the man with horns.
what is even worse, is that the Dirty Mac fanbois across the street went even tackier with the lights :), only for their Leccy Box to explode an hour later :)
Anon because some maccy bois know me :)
cos when Ms launched their last software, the boys in suits all ponced around in polar bear suits. Why they were asked?
They responded, "...because they eat penguins! (Linux) geddit?"
Obviously the jingoistic boys in suits have never examined the Globe.