Makes one wonder...
...why Americans have such a hang up about British dental hygeine.
The powers that be in Florida are holding a man cops have dubbed "Dracula", and who's certainly a contender for the worst ever mugshot trophy. Dale Lee's mugshot. Pic: Pasco Sherrif's Office Dale Alan Lee. 43, was arrested on an aggravated battery rap after allegedly stabbing a man in the stomach in Dade City. One shaken …
Was of a break and enter merchant who had been caught by the home owner, who decided that he could not trust the legal system to appropriately punish the miscreant. So after hog tying the the prep up he scribed the word "THIEF" onto his forehead. 3 months later in court apparently the scar was still there.
Now that's summary justice
I don't live in the UK, but I work at a company that provides software for the dental industry, and I can assure you NHS dentistry is still alive. It's hard to find an NHS dentist that's accepting new patients, but it is possible - you just have to travel a bit further (like, the other side of town, or to another town).
(AC, because it's related to my work).
Not Suitable For The Reg.
It's fine to take the mickey out of the arrogant -- those who should know better but act like asses; those who make fortunes yet behave like trash; those who claim morality yet act with evil... We laugh at the educated dupes of the 419 scammers, and we laugh when the scammers get scammed. We laugh at Ballmer because he's got more money than the average thousand of us combined and yet he still does dumbass things. We laugh at Steve Jobs because he can afford a slightly larger wardrobe and can't be arsed. We laugh at Paris, because, well... okay.
But this guy is merely accused of a crime, and we don't know him nearly well enough to laugh (or cringe) at his expense. In this case, his appearance is just sad.
Please don't do this again.
My teeth were not horrendous and my orthodontistry was completely and utterly free, and not bad either. The rest of my dental treatment is not, and I'm not a woman so I can't get pregnant and get it done for free 'while I'm at it'. It is, however, heavily subsidised (partly by the gov, partly by people paying on denplan et al) to the point of being deemed a pretty good deal.
Oh I get it. He's ugly, therefore it follows he's guilty and deserving of all the ridicule the interweb can muster.
Makes you wonder why crime is a ever problem. Lock up the uglies and all us beautiful people will be safe living in a perfect and harmonious world. We should keep pictures like this online though, just to help us remain smug.
I thought El Reg would be above simply laughing at others' afflictions. Seems not.
Of course he's guilty, of course he's a 'meth mouth', and that's before taking the fact he's a terrorist, Nazi racist, paedophile, embezzler, right-wing gun nut who was a buddy of Tim McVeigh and lives as trailer-trash with a 750 pound wife he beats regular as clockwork, while planning to assassinate Obama into account. Seems many commentards are buying into the guilty until proven innocent bullshit which pervades society.
It may be that he is an innocent man, the poor state of his teeth not any fault of his own, but, let's put that aside while we all have a good laugh at his misfortune.
Shame on you all.
Paging Sarah Bee; you're needed in Editorial to lay down the law.
Hey, HEY, who made me the saviour of decency, sunshine?
Oh right, yes, I suppose.
Well... it's not very nice, no, but I think we're relatively non-evil, actually, on stuff like this. A quick Google of Brian Peppers will show you what happens when the internet decides to dogpile some poor bastard (who may or may not have done anything but has certainly been dealt a lousy hand by life).
Meanwhile, there are suggestions that in fact, ugly people do commit more crime. It's genuinely interesting, if uncomfortable.
that site has their full personal details + photo + arrest reason for everyone they arrest... that site also has their call logs for every call they've received, i had a quick look at a couple of other US police force websites and they have similar info on all arrests made - what the hell? do they have no privacy laws at all there??? some even included details for minor traffic stops, including a listing that someone was stopped for an improper lane change!
i'm a firm believer in the government publishing information about everything it does so we can keep an eye on them, but i'm an even stronger believer in the right to privacy - and especially in the right to not have the police telling everyone i'm a criminal until a court has ruled on the matter
AC because it seems appropriate!
Actually you're spot on as studies have shown that beautiful people are more likely to be found not guitly by a jury and ugly ones get harder sentences.
To all the namby pamby liberals, lighten up, the guys ugly so we can't laugh? What else don't you want us to laugh at or about?
@Jason Bloomberg
I can't see on commenter who has suggested he must be guilty because of looks. PIf you are going to berate then at least do so for the right reason.
"Meanwhile, there are suggestions that in fact, ugly people do commit more crime. It's genuinely interesting, if uncomfortable"
Sadly I can see the psychology behind that statement, shame we still don't have enough morality and compassion in the world (ex-hippie, I have relapses every now and again).
I wonder how many times he ignored people's comments about his teeth until one day someone pushed him too far and he stabbed them.
For the unenlightened, there's a wiki for "meth mouth" (don't go there if you're eating...). The reasons so many people (probably Americans) have labeled this guy a "meth mouth" are a)well obviously his teeth, but b)Meth production (and addiction) is associated with low-income types as it is relatively easy to produce with OTC ingredients. It is associated with "rural hick" stereotypes because it requires that your neighbors not live too close, since the production area smells tremendously awful. This is not a Hollywood party drug. I should add, I know this mostly from watching the news, *not* personal experience lol.
Couple other comments: @Cazzo Enorme: No we don't. Hollywood celebs? Maybe. Believe it or not, they represent a minority. Go to the toothpaste aisle of any store here and you will find a plethora of whitening toothpastes. Does that make us vain? Perhaps, but you have to brush your teeth anyway, don'tcha? Why not de-stain while your cleaning?
I also find it unlikely that, even if he isn't a drug addict, the deplorable condition of his teeth is no fault of his own.
"Go to the toothpaste aisle of any store here and you will find a plethora of whitening toothpastes."
And if you ask a dentist who isn't trying to maximise the money they can make out of you, they will give you the honest explanation that teeth whitening products damage the enamel. It's a bit like food colouring or waxing of fruit - it's about the perception of what's good or healthy rather than what is good or healthy.
that site has their full personal details + photo + arrest reason for everyone they arrest... that site also has their call logs for every call they've received, i had a quick look at a couple of other US police force websites and they have similar info on all arrests made - what the hell? do they have no privacy laws at all there??? some even included details for minor traffic stops, including a listing that someone was stopped for an improper lane change!
That's all public record in the US , unless you are minor. You`can have arrest removed from you record .
1)Was responding to primarily to your claim that we're all getting are teeth crowned 2)You don't have to use whitening toothpastes forever and always 3)googled around - couldn't find a single study to support the claim against the toothpastes anyway... gels/strips are another story 4)no one said we perceive white teeth as healthy... we also tan the hell out of ourselves, smoke, binge drink... lots of stuff 'cos we want, not 'cos it's healthy.