The frog did allow the scorpion to sting it
It's a clever move. Yeah sure Microsoft=Evil, big whoop. Who cares? Nonetheless, it's a clever move.
Well, it's not very clever as Humans are trivially simple to fool. Just dangle something shiney and it gets embarrassing to watch.
My question is - who decides what high-value content is? Studios? Why do I need to feel like "OMFG the studio just released an extra scene with (appropriate whore's name) burping. OMG it was awesome!" matters to me? It doesn't. WHo says that I must respect anything they decide is of value to try to hawk to me? lol.
If you're so stupid as to swallow what they feed you then by all means, be the vegetable that you are. If, on the other hand, you're one of those pinko-commie-hippy-bastards, you know - the kind of person that likely can walk and chew gum concurrently - then you're already deciding what's of value to you.
Likely some video snippet of WHOMEVER farting on camera or crotchless in an SUV is something you can do without. Not that (appropriate teen whore)'s crotch isn't simply fascinating....
Microsoft is doing something the smart way - developing a revenue stream -- enticing the makers of said stream - controlling the revenue stream's delivery and management to the world. Likely it's unable to do this without leveraging its monopoly in the market. You know the one...
Of course, it's only able to do this because you place such a high value on the next Disney whore's bare crotch.
Either way you win, though - because you get to see it and pay for it. WOOHOO!!!!! When they let you, of course.
Is there an avatar out there for the utter contempt I feel towards all the retards out there screwing everything up for the rest of us?