"I worked in France with a French woman of about 30 years of age a few years ago. Now, in fairness, she had lived most of her life in a very rural, rather sheltered village in the middle of nowhere and wasn't exactly worldly-wise.
But when we informed her that most British girls (meaning, about 16-25 years old) owned a vibrator she collapsed in a fit of giggles and remained in that state for some hours...
Who said the British were sexually repressed (or that the French were otherwise!)?
Paris. Guess why."
Maybe she was just amused that British girls feel the need to have aids in the first place, whereas the French just get on down and Le Shag :D
Although I hope that most girls clean theirs after use unlike one of my female friends. (Long story short......"Ooh a candle.....EEWWWWWW" Nuff said really)