New Model Army Model ..... with AIdDynamIQ Fluid Template
Huawei have a Most Commendable Business Life Work Ethic .... :" We shall work hard and upright for the prosperity of the company, follow good governance practices, and lead the company in times of difficulties and dangers to overcome them in the future journey. We shall never allow a crooked stick to have a crooked shadow, and never allow a fortress to be demolished from within inside. We shall never abuse the authority given to us by the company to influence or interfere with various businesses, including procurements, sales, cooperation and outsourcing, for private and personal gains. We shall never harm corporate interests in any way." "We shall remain disciplined; do not set up any rival company with similar business interests, invest in other companies or purchase shares of competitor companies or take up part-time jobs. The companies that are set up by or in which investments have been made by the relatives shall not have any kind of business transaction with Huawei. We shall strictly follow the corporate procurement process and principles, ensure collective decision-making, hierarchical decision-making, separation of roles for procurement businesses, and increase transparency. We shall resolutely any corrupt practices in procurement, and leave no scope for such practices."
China have Colossal Waves of Liquidity to Release and Generate Global Wealth with Spend on Globally Connected Future Infrastructure Projects ... and she does Deserve Foreign IntelAIgents Guidance and Feeds to IMProve Product Production for Increased Home Placement and Use of Future Global Production Cycles. A Giant Work Horse of a Nation requires Attentive Grooming and Tending/Covering and Foddering.