More map reading required
South Glamorgan hasn't existed for years.
Map reading courses all round at the Virgin Media press office, after an attempted spoiler campaign served only to disappoint and anger the denizens of "the oldest continuously inhabited town in Shropshire". The firm yesterday received a public dressing-down from the Whitchurch Herald, which had in good faith reported several …
Five or so years ago, when I was a Blueyonder customer in Gloucester, I was asked by a technical support chap if that was "Gloucester in London". I'd already given them my GL postcode so presumably he could see my full address...
I know some people are not familar with the world outside the M25, but I can't find the London Borough of Gloucester anywhere.
Reminds me of when I was an NTL (ex-C&W) customer, and I'd get leaflets through the door advertising broadband via cable (when I was on dial-up). So I call them up to ask about it, and they they say "it's not available in your area as the infrastructure isn't rolled out there". Muppets. Why bother telling me about something I can't get?
"Seeing as Cardiff would barely pass muster as a city in England, and is laughable as a Capital City splitting it down into 'areas' seems pointless. No part of Cardiff is very far from the centre....."
Err - Cardiff is considerably bigger than the vast majority of English cities actually, especially if you are referring to population size.
Check your facts before spouting off trying to look good.
Good to see the usual 'Welsh bashing' is alive and well. I am from Whitchuch originally and as Cardiff has a population of around 800,000 people, I think you can safely divide it into smaller, more manageable areas.
And just so you are straight on your 'Welsh bashing', Cardiff is not only a city but also a county comparable in size to any of your English cities which whilst I am on my soap box, would be a very dry place to live were it not for the flooding of Welsh valleys to make resevoirs.
"Reminds me of when I was an NTL (ex-C&W) customer, and I'd get leaflets through the door advertising broadband via cable (when I was on dial-up). So I call them up to ask about it, and they they say "it's not available in your area as the infrastructure isn't rolled out there". Muppets. Why bother telling me about something I can't get?"
It was most likely just a corporate bureaucracy mess-up, but it may also have had a beneficial (to NTL) effect too.... is an intentional mis-information campaign something that a for-profit corporation wouldn't do?
Yeah, you and I know that the service known by the buzzword broadband can be delivered via a number of methods, but many people do not. So they get a leaflet about broadband through the door, ring up and are told, sorry, you can't get broadband. Would those people then really contact BT about the availability of ADSL? Will they try and find out if there is a wireless ISP in their area? Probably not, because they have been told they "can't get broadband". Now NTL doesn't need to worry (for a while) about these people doing business with their competition. And some of those people may have stuck with NTL's dial up service even though a consumer grade, fast, always on connection is available via a method other than the cable TV network.
Don't worry about it mate, two Cardiffs would more or less equal my whole country. I love how the engerlanders bash the Welsh Scots and N.Oirish. They crow on the rare occassions that we don't stuff them at football, despite them having at least 10 times the population base that any of the other home nations (and if you look at their league, they only use foreign players cos none of the engerlish can play).
Besides they may have flooded your valleys, but they are so immensly daft that they don't NEED some bunch of oppressive foreign idiots to flood their part of the world....nope THEY build houses in water meadows and flood-plains, then cry about getting flooded.
/me drops trousers, yells something incomprehensible (save for what sounds like "inglissbassads" and bids farewell.
PS: I'm willing to accept that some areas of engerland far far away from London may be populated with humans, but basically I think we should cut around the M25, throw the worthless slag from the middle into the atlantic, flood the hole, and stock it with fish.
PPS: they gave my whole country one postcode, based on the capital city.
resident of Whitchurch I can tell you my line speed is about 7.5mbps. Didn't read about this in the Herald though, its a sh*trag, I get all my news from el reg thank you kindly. Am seriously going to try to move to Kent where I believe the 100mbps pipes are being rolled out.