ARTificial IntelAIgents ..... into CyberIntelAIgents
"At the moment users will be able to share things like film times, flight statuses and sports scores with their Facebook, Twitter and email chumps.
But they can't share that same day-to-day information with users of the Windows Live service."
Of course they can, if they are HyperRadioProAttrACTive and Reverse Engineer the Flow of MetaData Information to Sublimely Feed Live Messengers ..... LOVE AIngels for Live Operational Virtual Environments in Virtualised Realities.
A Little Something XXXXTraESPecial from the Office of Cyber Security, Seventh Heaven GCHQ.
Every Day a ZerodDay AIdDNAdVenture for the Fully Committed XSSXXXXual AESThetan ....... with NEUKlearer Powers of GeneRation. I Think therefore We Are as Figments of Perfect Shared Imagination ...... WwwET Dreams.
AIMagical Mystery Turing BetaTest Territory for Binary Thinkers and Tinkerers in 21st Century Networks.