@Trafficking, fiction
"Some years ago, my wife worked in the Police in an eastern European country, in the department dealing with the fight against human trafficking....From the victims who managed to escape they got glimpses of a huge underground world. Yes, it's hard to set numbers - it's not like they are running censuses, aren't they? But each escaping victim would tell how many others have left behind, or through how many locations they were moved. My wife told me some of the stories they encountered and they were really horrific."
I call bollocks. The performers of sex acts are recorded now to prove they are over the age of consent, the producer of the porn can be visited, they are normal business, they sell their DVD through normal channels. It is a legal business in many countries. Their identities are traceable and the evidence is there on DVD.
The going rate for a doggy porn session is $2k, they don't spend $10k smuggling women to a different country to film something in a different country.
"Some of them develop very strong cases of the Stockholm syndrome. And even when they escape, they are stigmated for life and it's hard to reintegrate into the society."
Do you even listen to your own story, "Stockholm syndrome"? You sound like that anti porn campaigner Jacqui hired who claimed snuff movies were popular in the sex shops in Amsterdam, which pissed off the dutch no end being total bollocks.
In your fiction there are women smuggled from eastern europe to other place, to film sex acts with dogs, because it's somehow easier to smuggle the person than the *camera* into their country, that this great expense is paid in order to film this act.
When in reality, they do it for money, it's a lot cheaper to pay a girl to do a dog than to kidnap/traffic them to somewhere else to film the act.
It's fiction, and it shows two things to me, firstly you are from the UK, because your perception of foreign places is of a 'wild frontier' and not real life. Secondly that you imagine a woman wouldn't do such a 'disgusting' thing for money unless coerced, which indicates to me that you've never been poor or hungry.