Its a boat...
Or a giant squid.
But cleary - its a boat with either 2 or 3 props on the back just starting up and causing a wake.
Scotland's Loch Ness is doubtless braced for a stampede of Nessie-spotters after a reader of UK tabloid The Sun provided Google Earth evidence of the existence of the Scottish lake's elusive leviathan: Loch Ness showing possible Nessie sighting A closer look (.kmz here) reveals the astounding truth: A close-up of the …
> "I couldn't believe it. It's just like the descriptions of Nessie."
No it isn't. If anything that looks like some sort of squid, whereas all the descriptions of Nessie talk of an animal with tail, (usually) four legs with flukes and a head on a long neck - no head & neck in that pic.
Anyway it looks just like a boat & wake to me...
First it detects an invasion of giant insects, then it solves the mystery of UFOs, then it finds Atlantis, and now the Loch Ness Monster, all without stopping the steady stream of giant, rude graffiti. Is there nothing Google Earth can't do on a slow news day?
"Just like the reports?" Last I heard, Nessie was supposed to be a plesiosaur kind of thing. That looks like a giant albino squid. Of course, a giant albino squid could well live in Loch Ness - there's no less evidence for that than there is for the plesiosaur, after all.
(And that's not a penguin, it's a plesiosaur with a grin.)
The thing with the arrow pointing at it is a BOAT.
The supposed image of Nessie is to the left and slightly up and looks like two large wakes which are not caused by anything visible in the image.
You've cocked up and so now I'm cancelling my subscription!
Nessie was actually spotted for real last week at a BBQ. Elvis was singing as Michael Jackson and Lord Lucan took rides around the garden on her back...
Looks more like a squid than a plesiosaur: every time I saw Nessie she was a dark colour that wouldn't show up on a Google Earth photo very well.
'Course, it could be a rare albino Nessie...
Or worse (looking squid-like) ... no that's too horrible to contemplate...
Really, it just looks like a pale-coloured motor boat with a couple of waves of breaking wash trailing behind it.
With observation skills like that I bet when this security guard isnt misinterpreting aerial photos he spends his time harrassing "terrorist" photographers while right in front of his nose men wearing black & white stripey tops & eye masks load whatever he's supposed to be guarding into bags labelled "swag".
Paris, because she can tell the the difference between a monster tentacle and a boatload of seamen.
I, for one, (don't) welcome our brain-dead, blind, tabloid-thumbing, retarded security guards who can't tell a shitty little boat from a (supposedly) bloody great big aquatic dinosaur. After all, why would a boat be out on a loch....? Twat.
I really hope, for the sake of humanity, that this man hasn't yet had the opportunity to procreate, nor will he ever. Why is the world so full of total morons!?
Its white--its in the water--IT MUST BE MOBY DICK!!! That crafty whale is clearly taking a shortcut between the Irish and North Seas by going through the Loch. The fact that he made it into Britain undetected would be in keeping with the usual level of professional competence I keep hearing attributed to Her Majesty's immigration officials.
You can mail me the requisite $20 Spanish gold piece to me care of Ishmael, Spouter's Inn, Nantucket Massachusetts, United States of America.
Mines the oilskin jacket draped over the casket-shaped lifebuoy
"This is Nessie: http://www.bing.com/maps/default.aspx?v=2&FORM=LMLTCC&cp=57.378094~-4.343183&style=a&lvl=19&tilt=-90&dir=0&alt=-1000&phx=0&phy=0&phscl=1&encType=1"
Ok so just for the heck of it I checked it out, Bing Maps, hah. I think its called Bing maps because the (low resolution) maps were relevant when Bing Crosby was a big star, now they just show old roads that either no longer exist or have been replaced by 6 lane highways, so its hardly going to be a useful tool to spot anything that happened in, say, the last 30 years!
Anonymous coward is correct - it is clearly a giant sperm - although sadly extra flagella are a sure sign of genetic defects. Makes me wonder what the Scots are up to in the lake. Had the same problem with a hot tub in a condo I used to live in - always closed off when the sperm count got too high....
Clearly Nessie has moved into the 20th (or 21st) century and embraced fossil fuel powered combustion engine based outboard motors. Smart.
The fact that the bloke is a total dick is obvious. The fact that the SUN published it, tells you all you need to know, about it, and its readership.
So, beloved El Reg, why did you go with it? Honestly, can't we just ignore these idiots, maybe they'll go away?
Those Reg readers interested in cryptozoology might also be interested in two nests of mighty silver birds that were recently discovered by a Scotsman visiting the south of England, one near Gatwick in Sussex, the other near Heathrow.