That would definately get you up in the morning....
A Swedish woman has described herself as "shaken" and somewhat "disappointed" that a freebie fitness CD from a packet of Nestlé Fitness cereal dished up hard-core porn in addition to the healthy benefits of a dance-based workout. Ida Riedel Palmer, 23, popped the "Body Jam" disc into her computer and was immediately directed …
"I called my boyfriend to check if he had been using my computer, but he told me he hadn't."
I sure his denial came faster than the speed of light (no pun intended). As that comedian whose name escapes me says 'Who says men are bad at multitasking - have you seen us when we nearly get caught watching porn!'
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Swedes complaining about porn?
Don't they know that they were almost single-handedly responsible for the underground video scene of the 1980s?
You also missed the bit about the PC repair technician arriving and saying "I'll need to get out my massive tool". Then I beleive she handed him the CD and said "Stick it in my slot"... etc etc
Paris - she's had a porn delivery surprise (but featuring herself)
Were they a few years past their best before date?
I only ask because i've seen similar with some 'enhanced' audio CDs and game updaters.
In both cases the software has contained links to websites which have long since expired, and (probably maliciously) been bought up by people pushing malware.
If any reg readers would like to help identify rogue cd's and boxes theres a rumour the CEO is conducting a private survey to check several dozen boxes.
To participate just turn up with a box of nestle with its CD, and bring along 2 forms of id and a long jacket to: Address witheld.
- and he was watching porn on ALL their computers :-D
Re: Body Jam in the News (Sweden)
In selected countries we have supplied a BODYJAM or BODYCOMBAT VCD to go on Nestle Fitness cereal packs -a great promotion that's getting millions of new people to try Les Mills workouts at home and in clubs. The response has been huge we suggest if you want one you should go out and grab a box asap!
Some people who have used the VCD got a surprise they weren't expecting. The basic explanation is that on some PCs using Vista and Windows Media Player,the VCD has not played automatically. So if you were watching something else before you put the CD in, when you push play it brings up the last video to be played on that computer .
We're sure some people might be hoping for a little extra spice but our VCD's on the Nestle packs don't contain adult content! But they'll still give you a great workout at home!
The Les Mills team
It's a funny coincidence that she was expecting a dance excercise video and got porn.
Back in the eighties porn videos weren't as easy to come by as they are now. You couldn't just hop on t'internet to get them. OK so allegedly some video rental shops and the like had a supply under the counter, but the average teenage lad never had the nerve to ask. So the result was that our local video shop did a roaring trade in aerobics videos. Every actress, pop starlet or sports star bringing out a new excercise video would bring teenage lads out in droves to rent the video, usually with the excuse "Errm, it's for me mam."
Of course this had a very useful function for the shop's owner. The spotty oiks regularly renting such video were identified as customers for his undercounter supply of illicit VHS smut. He did a roaring trade which was somewhat undermined by the trade in bootleg copies. Until that is one lad's parents discovered the videos and he got shut down and the shop turned into a curry house.
Well I suppose that it gives the youth of today another take on the age old chat up line in life... 'How would you like your eggs in the morning?'
Will now become "Would you like whole milk or cream with you porn and cereal in the morning?"
Paris because she likes the little plastic toys that come with the cereals...
PS Does this mean we will be seeing butt plugs and vibes free with the cereals now? Gees I am am going on the Special K diet!!!!!!!!!!!
...Grocery store shelves are looking a little "Bare" this friday as reports of porn being distributed inside boxes of selective marked cereal fly off the shelves. "
Nestle did this for their quarterly bottom line surely. (Best marketing program EVER)
"You found WHAT in our cereal?! Quick, go tell your neighbors and make sure they don't buy any..
*Nieghbors husband "..I'll go tell Frank and Jim!" *gets in car, peals out*
Timmy at the Store "...Man, The men have been gobbling (giggles) up the Nestle Fitness today!"
I think I'm done.
I think you'll find that the CD did not contain pr0n itself, but merely punted a link to a pr0n website... easy explanation there: in a short-sighted move, some monkey at Nestlé adds a couple links under the "related material" section of the CD (or whatever). Very stupidly, he includes a link pointing to www.shakethatass.com (or something) which features some gym-related material but is not under his control. 2 weeks later, registration of shakethatass.com expires and the domain is bought by a hardcore porn business.
That's all folks. Happens all the time, really. The interwebs are versatile thinggies..