back to article Yahoo! to! buy! Arab! world's! biggest! online! portal!

Yahoo! announced today that it plans to buy the biggest online community in the Arab world - - for an undisclosed sum. The Dubai-based online portal claims to have 16.5m users throughout the region. "This acquisition will accelerate Yahoo!'s strategy of expanding in high-growth emerging markets where we believe …


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  1. Pretz1


    "This acquisition will accelerate Yahoo!'s strategy of expanding in high-growth emerging markets where we believe Yahoo! has unparalleled opportunity to become the destination of choice for consumers"

    These Yahoo press quotes always make me want to fall asleep.

    What dull, meaningless drivel...

  2. lukewarmdog


    “This means being sensitive to local laws, customs, and norms while also protecting and promoting the rights of our users."

    Sounds like fail to me, the second their Middle Eastern uberlords demand to know who has been spreading some anti-information those users will have no rights at all.

    "increasing access to information"

    They're going to give out free Internets? Bypass regional filtering? Write! More! On! Their! Homepage!?!

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