He managed to record and upload the video moments before his iPhone did the same thing (according to the news, iPhones are going up in flames).
If you’re reading this story on an iMac - watch out, because you’re about to witness one office worker’s smoking Apple desktop. Can't see the video? Download Flash Player from Adobe.com A blogger recently posted a video online that he claims documents his iMac machine in the beginnings of a very dangerous situation, as …
If the iPod incident is anything to go by, Apple's legal scum will probably try and issue a takedown notice under some paid-for legislation in order to try and silence their loyal customer and the unfortunate diversion from total brand loyalty that the video represents.
And I notice that on the previous article, some idiot fanboy headed up the comments with accusations that such coverage of flawed products is something akin to the persecution of Apple. A serving of clue to such people is in order: it doesn't matter which supplier made the battery or some component if, especially in Apple's case, those things are sealed inside the case so that the consumer has to consent to the vendor laying waste to the planet in order to keep up the stream of shiny stuff; when Apple actively try and pervert the consumer's rights and to silence legitimate safety concerns, they deserve all the criticism and scrutiny they get.
@Stef 4: Problem, you're listening to the news...
There have been fewer than 25 reported cases of iPhones and iPods combined cathing fire or exploding. The bulk have been written off as "dropped on concrete," "left in hot sun," "sat on and cracked," and "left in hot car," all of which can easily cause any LiIon based battery to combust, and all of which are listed as things not to do with a device so equipped, and all of which can NOT be blamed on Apple, let alone any other device manufacturer.
Keep in mind, there are over 100 million iPods in circulation, and another 30+ million iPhones... Out of the 25 reported cases, maybe 6 or 7 can not be explained away as user abuses outside of clear warnings for environmental conditional use that would have caused any LiIon based device to also explode or burn up. That's a 1 in 20million chance your iPhone or iPod will burn up! Most state lotteries have better odds...
Further, the 3GS and upcoming iPods, and all currently shipping MacBooks use LiPolymer, which is not prone to combustion or explosion... That means if you don;t have one, and buy one, you are not even part of the 1 in 20 million odds...
Apple used to be the beacon of what a computing experience should be until they stopped caring about dependability and substance over profit when it comes to hardware and of course there need to control every aspect of there users day to day workings on there sleak software and devices.
For shame apple you’ve been acting like Stalin’s Russia when your better than this pull your bloody act together.
Sensible person:
Unplug machine (if you can get to the plug without endangering yourself)
Empty contents of CO2 extinguisher into ventilation slots
Call fire brigade (unless you're very confident that it's completely out)
Think "Oh wow! I'll just grab my iPhone and video it so I can be an internet hero"
When an electronic product starts billowing white smoke, you should...
a) Disconnect the mains to prevent a potential fire related disaster
b) Film it on your iPhone, then calmly sit back down in the chair and pretend it never happened.
Ooooh Apple made a faulty product? SIMPLY UNHEARD OF I TELL YOU! I MUST SHARE THIS NEWS.
I'm not surprised -- honestly, I've never seen one smoke, but we get large numbers of Imacs (not the Intel, but G4 and G5) with dead or missing (died and was pulled by the department) power supplies. I haven't seen 'em look particularly burnt, but with that many failures it just wouldn't surprise me at all if a few smoked.
It looks fishy to me, even set up. Before you judge, take into account that you don't know the circumstances that led up to the event. Was a foreign object, powder or fluid introduced into the vent at the top? Has our cameraman being doing something he should not have? Most peoples reaction when they smoke coming out of a piece of electrical equipment is to turn it off pronto, not reach for your phone and video it? Is the monitor on the left plugged into it? It seems to be still operating?
Apple computers don't catch fire.
It's a fake.
All Apple products are perfect. No one can make products better than Apple. All those who claim their Apple device(s) catch fire or explode are lying.
If it did, it was not Apple's fault. The user is at fault and must have been using illegal software, dropped the device, used an unauthorized charging device or battery.... They are lying to try to make Apple look bad.
I love Apple. The people at Apple are Gods. All hail the Apple people. All hail the Apple people.
I've seen power supplies smoke before .. sometime they even keep working while smoking. I just unplug them and then sit there with a fire extinguisher handy just in case. They always ... simply stopped smoking after a minute or two after the power was cut.
I'm not going to make a mess with a fire extinguisher over a little smoke. I'd unplug it watch it smoke.
It was probably the most exciting thing to happen in the office all week I am not surprised they filmed it.
[4 Mike C] Er...perhaps if this Lion technology is so prone to setting fire to your car or blowing your left buttock off there might be some sort of acknowledgement in the marketing, like maybe a big warning sticker along the lines of "Possible Car iIncineration Threat" or "Potential Bottom-Maiming Situation".
Here's a thought: If Lion batteries are that unsuitable for use in exactly the sort of places casual entertainment electronics find themselves (in a car, in a pocket) perhaps the manufaturer had their collective primary sensory cluster up their posterior dorsal orifice when selecting them as the (permanently mounted) power source of choice. With a slight sacrifice of the perplexing design drive toward ever thinner devices (why do you need thin stuff if you take your life in your hands by putting such stuff in your pocket?) they could have powered it using Triple As that have no significant history of singeing off your left nipple just because you get whacked by a cricket ball in a lunchtime game.
But of course we are talking Apple here who just "get it right" and can do no wrong (whatever that is).
"... all those who claim their Apple device(s) catch fire or explode are lying. If it did, it was not Apple's fault. The user is at fault and must have been using illegal software ..."
Yes because everyone knows that illegal software can cause your PC (or Mac) to set on fire... obviously. I used to have a cracked copy of XP - it must have been a ticking timebomb!
Glad to see... #By Frank Bitterlich Posted Tuesday 25th August 2009 15:46 GMT
.. that at least the smoke is clean white; not like dirty-grey cloud of deadly PVC smoke coming out of the Dell PC or two I have seen combusting.
Cheers to the Apple hardware design team!!!!!
Oh I see so Apple smoke is better than Dell smoke now lol
Thats a sissy attempt at smoke - try plugging a PC data cable into the wrong bit of a soundcard and turn on the computer, then you get real decent black smoke...! :-)
As for the video, what confuses me is why it was only smoking a little bit until he'd got his phone out and then started to puff out a bit more. Very very suspicious, unless the iPhone happens to have an instant video record button which going by the "sequence shortened" notes on the ads I kindof suspect isn't the case.
Btw, does anyone know what chemicals a smoking LCD screen gives off?
I've had the power supplies die on three PCs now, perhaps it is because people know that PC hardware is so rubbish that nobody complain about them? And no, they weren't cheap, one was a Shuttle PC and the other power supply was a very expensive fan-less PSU.
An Apple failure is only newsworthy due to the brand and price.
Computers can fail for numerous reasons, mains spikes, extreme conditions (dusty smokey rooms, too hot, too cold). People expect 100% reliability but won't pay for it.