What would have happened if the sysadmin had been hit by a pizza truck?
Well, presumably Fate and Serendipity would have high-fived and then gone out for a few beers for a start.
Terry Childs, the San Francisco administrator accused of locking the city out of its own network, has seen most of the charges against him dropped. A judge ruled last week that Childs would face just one charge, with three hacking charges being dropped. Childs has been banged up since July last year. He remains accused of …
For those not familiar with my native city, an article in this morning's SF Chronicle may help put the state of City government into perspective.
First off: there are three distinct local goverment entities here in The States, states, counties, and cities. There are some oddities: NYC is a city with multiple counties, SF is BOTH a city and a county. That means the governmental responsibilities of both are contained within the same small 50 square mile, 700K populace entity.
SF government has 55 agencies, 18 elected officials, and 18 mandated commissions, and countless boards and advisory bodies. Also a $6.6 billion budget, but that's another tale.
So for those who wonder why this admin wasn't better supervised, my guess is everybody was too busy attending meetings.
Any idiot knows that Cisco, Juniper, &c equipment is designed for pizza truck scenarios (in the US it's bible church buses) - passwords can be reset without harming the configuration. It's just about as difficult as resetting a dead administrator's password on a Windows or Unix server.
Duh! Big Red Truck.
pretty much the same diff... just a different likeness. some large imposing vehicle ends the important one's life before access credentials can be duplicated for emergency measures.
to quote Ghost in the Shell... "Overspecialize and you breed in weakness"
Hence we have the problem with politics. it's all lawyers and no others. way over specialized.
So he's being sued because he had a password that would let anyone completely knacker their entire network (even without malicious intent) and he kept it to himself?
Over here, you'd be sacked and sued if you had such a password and allowed it to leak...
Ducks and waits for the flames.
...on second thoughts, if you worked for the government, you'd be OK because they can loose anything and it's no problem.
So if a client fails to pay me for my work... I cancel the orders I've placed for them
Why did they call the police and have me arrested, they lost nothing, I cancelled the orders I Placed
Why did I get done for it?
They lost nothing
ME!... Arrested, Charged, and Convicted (Computer Misuse blablabla)
There's got to be something more to this.
@ Tam: Shhhh! Quiet! That's valuable information! And you're giving away for free! You'll never make a good IT consultant (going on like that).
@Disco-Legend-Zeke: My grandmother said the same thing. Still, I reckon that I'd ruin my pants anyway if I happened to notice the truck/bus/meteorite in time.