Google indexing Flash is like Google indexing Javascript.
Flash is a platform for displaying content. It is not the content itself. While some beginner level Flashers embed actual content (text, images, etc) inside a SWF, professional Flashers load configurable content at runtime using JSON, XML, etc.
Using Progressive Enhancement, professional Flashers create an experience that can be read by search engines, screen readers and users who don't have the Flash plugin. Using this method, only users with the Flash plugin see the Flash display. Search Engines Spiders don't have the Flash plugin - so they see only text - and index it.
This is not new. We've been doing this for at least 6 years.
RIM realizing that they need Flash to provide a complete experience leaves just one notable exception among the major smart phones - Mr Steve. He has cleverly milked his users for what he could - but now he'll have no choice. Flash on the iPhone within 1 year. He has to or become irrelevant.