Not again
Rechargeable batteries are somewhat like washing powder. You know the ads I'm talking about, the ones where the new improved version washes whiter and shows it in comparison to conventional powders that wash greyer than white. I doubt there's anybody in the world who even notices this sort of advertising anymore.
It's the same with batteries. Every so often a new type of rechargeable battery comes along that won't degrade or have memory problems like the old ones did. And then that version is superceded by a battery that won't degrade or have charge memory problems, like the one that didn't degrade or have charge memory problems. Sooner or later even the most tech gullible amongst us will become immune to this stuff.
Why the big deal about Lith Ion batteries conflagrating anyway? When they first cropped up in RC aircraft it became well known that treating them rough could lead to catastrophic results. Why should this be any different in the world of consumer electronics?