Gnome is fine & isn't the problem, KDE also isn't the problem, rather the morons who support one team over the other. Until we decide to get behind anyone who will promote Linux & that includes Gnome as well as KDE, various other desktops also, then the rest of the user world will look upon us as zealots, just like the Shi'ite Muslims. Not all Shi'ites are murderers but the ones most of us hear about are. Those zealots who discriminate between versions of Linux & versions of the desktop are major buttheads.
Ubuntu is great as is OpenSuSE, as is Fedora, Mandriva, Debian, Xandros, Slackware, so on & so forth. All of these differing versions, yes I know some are based on another, have given something towards the movement. Are you by debunking the capability of one or other of the selections built? Perhaps what they're offering isn't perfect or even suitable for home or office use right now but later on, like much of the Open-Source movement even the not-so-hot stuff developed for Linux has become a rich piece of software or become a part of something different to what it is now. Does that make it bad? I think NOT!
If OpenSuSE gets one of the others to Linux then it's a major win, if it's Fedora or Ubuntu, it's a major win. If KDE or Gnome get you in, that's great, if it's XFCE, Compiz's UI settings or Enlightenment, then wonderful. Get off your wanker-high-horse & do something for Linux rather than be part of the problem.
Criticising whichever distro or desktop someone else uses is as childish as the old my car's better than yours, even though each car does a different job. We all want Linux to prevail over Windoze & MAC but it won't whilst there's an argument over which parts we think are crap. All those others see is Linux is crap. Whose to blame? You's to blame. Be part of the solution rather than the problem.