VM loves both Google and Yahoo
"petard hoisting #
By Dennis Posted Tuesday 18th August 2009 10:20 GMT
Luckily I'm not a customer of Virgin Media.
But has anyone tried the trick of editing the hosts file and adding an entry advancedsearch.virginmedia.com
Is there a real use for this web site or is just an adman's wet dream?
interestingly, their usual serch page is using Google powered http://www.virginmedia.com/search/
wereas that URL "advancedsearch.virginmedia.com" (entered in a blank web tab)
i didnt even realise existed or does it ?, i suspect its also being redirected to here
"search results powered by YAHOO!"
"Sorry! We could not find advancedsearch.virginmedia.com
It may be unavailable or may not exist. Try using the suggestions or related links below, or search again using our web search.
so their being nice to Yahoo getting your redirected searchs, and perhaps VM get some form of mony incentive into the bargin, being No2 in the uk consumer ISP market perhaps.
typing "advancedsearch" in the page Does still give you "This program cannot display the webpage" though, put a www. infont of it gets you the VM banded yahoo search too.