Hands free
So, if you buy the app through the App Store, how do you get your hands on the fancypants TomTom branded windscreen mount? And how much more is that going to sting you?
TomTom has switched its attention to the iPhone, launching a “turn-by-turn” navigation application for the 3G and 3GS models. tomtom_iphone_3gs_carkit TomTom's adapted its satnav tech for iPhone users The app’s routing information is based on IQ Routes, which TomTom described as a navigation system that uses “the actual …
Recall the car-hating-Oxford installation of registration tracking cameras.
Tomtom's IQ Routes timings are very good, if they want to know how long it takes to get from one place to the next, instead of spending millions on cameras and surveillance, they could just have bought a TomTom and punched in the route.
Or at least licensed the aggregate data, which Tom Tom also sell.
You could save yourself a fortune and get CoPilot for just £25. It to has 3D and 2D, speed cameras, day and night mode, landscape and portrait. It automatically changes your route, has lane assistance and even live weather forcasts.
I am sure the TomTom app will be lovely, much prettier and probably faster. But if you want all the same functions in a cheap and cheerful edition then go for CoPilot.
I'm not convinced about the requirement for the TomTom cradle. tomTom stated that they had a higher quality GPS unit in the cradle because the one in the phone wasn't good enough. I've been using the Sygic MobileMaps app on my 3Gs, and have a Dension cradle that interfaces with the car stereo, emulating a CD Changer so I have near full control of the iphone from the steering wheel.
For me, the iPhone's internal GPS works fine, and with the Dension cradle, I really don't see the point of the TomTom unit, especially since it won't integrate as nicely with the head unit. The only benefit I can imagine that the TomTom unit offers might be to help with interference.
With the Dension unit, and the phone NOT in Airplane mode, I get that annoying bipbip-bipbip-brrrrrrrrrp of cell communication. Turning on airplane mode seems to disable the GPS. If the TomTom unit allows the phone to be operated as a satnav in AirPlane mode, then it might offer some benefit, but even then, unless it's interfacing with the stereo, then interference wouldn't be an issue anyway.
All I really need is, I suppose, for Apple to bring out an update that allows the GPS module to be enabled and disabled independently of the phone's network stuff. They did it withj WiFi in the 1st gen models, hopefully they'll do it again with the GPS.
Do NOT buy co pilot as its rubbish, I got it this morning before I knew tomtom was out. and it really is shit
Its very hard to get a GPS lock and when it does its for seconds only. to start with
Installed twice and still no better. had in car from Doncaster to Wakefield and nothing.
I was able to get a GPS lock when I popped the iphone into my sunroof sun shield. then for a few mins it would work. I have a medion sat nav and that was in the car at the same time with no problems.
Do not get me wrong when its working as it did for a bit longer on the way back, its good. but also was not keen on the gps loosing which road it was on.
If they do the update hopefully it works
I have NO problems using the GPS on Google maps and that tracks smooth...
I had the iphone in the wind screen and if it could get any closer to the sky, it would have been outside the car.
I have another alternative, Navigon, installed on my iPhone and it is excellent. I have had no problems with GPS lock. I previously had a TomTom unit installed in my Landrover and had to have an external antenna fitted as it kept losing GPS lock. The iPhone has never lost lock inside the same vehicle with just it's internal antenna.
I have an Alpine head unit with USB connection to my iPhone so it charges and plays back through the in car system. The GPS voice over mutes the playback and I get to hear the prompts clearly. While the TomTom cradle looks good unless they have pass through on the iPhone connector it will be useless with my existing system.
I've used various versions of CoPilot on WM and now on Android and have always found it to be excellent. My brother has just installed it on his iphone and is also more than happy with it as far as I know. The new version is a bargain at £25.
I have heard that TomTom on the iphone will turn off when someone calls you! Can anyone confirm this as it sounds completely stupid!?
Why has TomTom now completely abandoned a pretty big user base by refusing to write or release a new version of TomTom Navigator to run on Windows Mobile / CE or on Symbian? The latest 'official' release I believe is Navigator 6 on Symbian (and it's so old it fails to work with the N95's internal GPS) and Navigator 6 on WinMo (apart from devices that had TomTom 7 preinstalled). Even TomTom's customer service people don't know why Navigator 8 hasn't been released (or Navigator 7 made available separately) - they'll rake in the money from people upgrading to new maps if they sorted it out!